- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Lighting the Syrian Fuse
- To Go in Peace and Be Left Alone
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Ben Carper for SC State Senate, District 6 Supports Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
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- By Press Release
An Open Letter to the Republican Party
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- By Tony Perkins - The Washington Stand
The stresses on America both internationally and domestically are immense. We face the brute reality of war in Ukraine, which could easily spill into a NATO country. The Middle East is more volatile than at any time since the founding of Israel 76 years ago. There are grim warnings from some people of civil war here at home as the cancel culture seeks to silence and even eradicate voices with which they disagree. Political invective has become personal and ugly — even among friends.
These challenges we face have been entrusted to us, this generation, by God. We have no reason to fear the difficulties we face because as 2 Timothy 1:7 says “… God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
While there are many things that deserve Americans’ attention, there is one topic that many political leaders are doing verbal gymnastics to avoid talking about. It’s a debate that has been, is, and will be a defining issue for our nation.
Memorial Day - Including the Remembrance the USS Mount Hood
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- By Brandon Scruggs

Lost November 10, 1944
On this Memorial Day, I think about many people who have served in the military and especially the ones who have died during that service. Some of them are my family or served with my family. I owe my life to some of them.
I remember that my mom and dad both served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. My mom served stateside as a nurse for the most part. My dad served in the theater of battle as a navigator on a B-26 bomber. After a bombing run one night, his plane suffered damage, then caught fire and exploded. Someone closer to the base described the explosion as a “fire in the night sky”, one of the brightest lights they’d ever seen at night. My dad parachuted to relative safety with the help of a literal kick in the butt from the pilot. The pilot also survived. But the men flying nearby who spotted the fire and warned my dad and the pilot to bail out died as a result of the explosion. Without their courage and sacrifice, my parents would have never met and my brother and I and all our children and future descendants would not have been born.
Western Foreign Policy Moving Toward Expanding War
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- By Mike Scruggs
Ominous Events in Slovakia, Georgia, and Serbia

On Wednesday, May 15, Robert Fico, the populist Prime Minister of Slovakia, was shot twice in the abdomen in an attempted assassination just after 2:00 PM local time after a government meeting in the town of Handiova (population 16,000). He was immediately hospitalized and required nearly four hours of surgery, but is currently reported to be in stable but still serious condition. In 2023, Fico was elected to his fourth term as Prime Minister as head of the Smer (Social Democrat) Party after Parliamentary elections. Slovakia is a member of NATO and the European Union, but Fico has advocated a “Euroskeptic” platform for ending military aid to Ukraine and establishing friendlier relations with the Russian Federation. He has publicly criticized NATO and US policies on the Ukraine War. He is in general concert with Slovakian public opinion. In April, Fico had also been critical of the “progressive” media, related to the liberal Progressive Party and had accused them of stirring up aggressive political behavior and a degree of hostility to the present government that could lead to murder of government officials.
The Democrat Party-An Enemy of Our Freedom and Our Constitution!
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- By W.H. Lamb

Now why would I accuse our “old time” Democrat Party of being an enemy of our freedoms and our Constitution? Am I being unfair? Judgmental? Un-American? Or am I being TRUTHFUL? Let’s delve into the somewhat sordid and tarnished history of that “D” party and examine its record since its founding in the late 1820’s, when it supported Andrew Jackson for President .
Isn’t this the sameold Democrat Party of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers? Yes, pretty much. Isn’t this the same Democrat Party that fought AGAINST women’s right to vote from 1878 through 1919, and even opposed the Women’s SuffrageAmendment (19th Amendment) in 1920 until “Kaiser WoodrowWilson”, as he was mockingly called by most Americans of that time--the racist Democrat POTUS-- finally saw the handwriting on the wall and decided to bow to Republican pressure and endorse women’s suffrage? Yes, it is the same anti-constitution Democrat Party.
President Biden and the Department of Justice 'Declare War' on the Pro-life Movement and Peaceful Pro-life Activists
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- By Christian Defense Coalition
WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department filed a federal lawsuit today in the Northern District of Ohio against two organizations and seven individuals for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.
Here is a link to the news release from the Department of Justice:
Justice Department Sues Two Organizations and Seven Individuals for Physically Obstructing Access to Reproductive Health Services in Violation of the FACE Act
This federal lawsuit comes on the heels of pro-life activists receiving oppressive jail sentences for their peaceful pro-life witness at a Washington D.C. late-term abortion clinic.
Mike Rowe Presents SOMETHING TO STAND FOR Coming to Theaters Nationwide - Beginning June 27
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FORT WORTH, Texas -- Trinity Broadcasting Network, Fathom, Impact Productions and mikeroweWORKS announce the release of SOMETHING TO STAND FOR with Mike Rowe, premiering in theaters nationwide beginning June 27th.
Watch the trailer and purchase tickets on May 24 for SOMETHING TO STAND FOR here.
SOMETHING TO STAND FOR promises to be a journey like no other, as Rowe takes viewers on a captivating adventure that uncovers some of the lesser-known stories in American history. From the American Revolution to World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and beyond, viewers will be fascinated by the accounts of these brave men and women who gave us something to stand for.
Conclusion on Reasons Abiogenesis cannot be Considered Science
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Abiogenesis does not qualify as science largely because it does not meet any of the main qualifications to be considered science. It is not based on observation, in fact, it is contrary to observation. It is not repeatable because if it happened it is a one-off event in the past for which there is no actual information. Ultimately it doesn't qualify as science because it is fundamentally untestable. Not only because it cannot be observed but because even if it can be proven impossible here on Earth it can always possible to move it to some distant place and time that makes testing it impossible.
Great American Pure Flix Announces Fourth Original Series This Year, Affirm Originals' 'Shadrach,' Starring Livi Birch and Cale Ferrin, Streaming July 25
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- By Christian Newswire

Great American Pure Flix has Premiered More Original Series in a Year Than Any Other Streamer in Competitive Set
NEW YORK -- Great American Pure Flix announced the World Premiere of Original Series, Shadrach, from AFFIRM Originals', a division of Sony Pictures. Starring Livi Birch (Tulsa), Cale Ferrin ("Endlings"), Catherine Urbanek (Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life), and Phillip Boyd ("The Haves & The Have Nots"), Shadrach is the fourth original series to premiere on Great American Pure Flix this year, which is the most of any streamer in the faith-based, family friendly space. In 2024, Great American Pure Flix has further established itself as the leader in the quality, original content also debuting "Going Home" (season two), "County Rescue," and the Harry Lennix-led original, "Destination Heaven."
5 Reasons to Make the Trump Tax Cut Permanent
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- By Stephen Moore
No issue defines the diametrically opposite economic philosophies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump than their position on the Trump tax cuts. Trump wants to make those tax cuts permanent; Biden has repeatedly promised to tax America back to prosperity by repealing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. But there are so many factual errors swirling around regarding the Trump tax cuts that it's a wonder that the "truth screeners" on the internet haven't flagged this all as "disinformation."
So, as a public service I will help do their job for them and review "just the facts, ma'am," using the official government data, on how after five years the tax cuts have impacted jobs, the economy, tax fairness and the simplicity of the tax code.
TBN Announces Two New Weekday Programs 'Huckabee Today' and 'Allen Jackson Now'
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- By Trinity Broadcast Network
TBN will release two weekday 30-minute programs starting June 3
NASHVILLE, May 28, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- TBN, the nation's go-to faith and family network, announces two new weekday programs beginning June 3. The programs will bring fresh perspectives through hosts Governor Mike Huckabee and Pastor Allen Jackson.
"We are proud to announce our two new weekday programs featuring Governor Mike Huckabee and Pastor Allen Jackson," said TBN President Matt Crouch. "Both shows will discuss relevant issues impacting viewers' daily lives, present solutions, and impart wisdom embedded in a Christian worldview."
Come and hear Lisa Stevens - Commission Member on the Capital Project Sales Tax
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- By Press Release
Please mark your calendar for our June 3rd meeting. Invite your friends to learn more about the Greenville County Road tax commission consideration of a draft ballot question for County Council.
First Monday is pleased to host Lisa Stevens - Commission Member on the Capital Project Sales Tax. This will be an informative meeting on the facts of the issue so we can learn about the proposed ballot question that will be sent to Greenville County Council.
You can learn more here: https://greenvillejournal.com/community/capital-projects-sales-tax-commission-gets-first-look-at-potential-ballot-question/
The Countdown Continues with New Endorsements for Adam Morgan
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- By Press Release
Believe it or not, the primary election is not far away—and early voting begins in a few days on Tuesday, May 28.
It’s been a busy week of events. We had a debate, a meet and greet, attended a law enforcement memorial with Greenville County Sheriff Hobart Lewis, had a meet and greet in Spartanburg, spoke at a OneSpartanburg event in Duncan and joined area pastors Friday for a breakfast. Outside of all the events, we were knocking doors throughout Spartanburg and Greenville.
This week is another busy week. I will be participating in events in Greenville, Landrum, Travelers Rest and Spartanburg—and between these events, I will be meeting voters at their doors to tell them about my vision for serving as their representative in the U.S. Congress.
There Is An Operational And Management Concern About Greenville Coroner’s Office
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- By James Spurck, Publisher

A Complaint Has Been Filed Against Chief Deputy Mike Ellis for Campaigning on the Clock
A campaign ethics violations complaint was filed against Chief Deputy Coroner Mike Ellis (2nd in Command) of the Greenville County Coroner’s Office with the South Carolina State Election Commission by Freedom Caucus activist Sam Manley.
According to the complaint, Mike Ellis, who is running for Greenville County Coroner, is campaigning while on the clock. Additionally, Ellis has been seen wearing campaign shirts during the performance of his duties as Chief Deputy Coroner. The complaint also mentions that there is photographic evidence of these violations, which has been provided to The Times Examiner.
Manley, on a recent “The New American Movement” podcast (click HERE to watch), expressed his concern that Ellis's actions are not only a misuse of public resources but also a detriment to the efficient functioning of the understaffed Greenville Coroner’s Office, which is struggling to keep up with the demands of the largest County in South Carolina and its ever-growing population.
The Multibillion-Dollar State Surplus that Keeps Growing
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- By Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
Editor’s note: This is the first investigative story in a two-part package on massive state financial accounts. The other story can be found here.
S.C. lawmakers don’t talk much publicly about this part of the state’s coffers, though it’s a huge chunk of money.
Known as “other” funds, the revenues include such things as college tuition, lottery proceeds, state gasoline taxes, part of the state sales tax earmarked for K-12 education, and court fees and fines. Many state agencies don’t spend all of their available other funds in a fiscal year, with some of them ending the year with relatively large surpluses.
As of a month ago, the state had a total of more than $9 billion in other fund reserves, The Nerve found in a review of S.C. Department of Administration records obtained under the state Freedom of Information Act.
Football Player Exposes Diabolical Lies of Feminism
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- By Kristen A. Ullman - Eagle Forum President
Wife and Mother: The Most Valuable Career Choice
“Really? You used to be such a go-getter” was the response I got from a conservative woman after I told her I had given up my career to become a fulltime homemaker and mother. I was taken aback, in part because my husband and I were at a pro-life gala. I was 37 years old and had recently given birth to our second child just two years and two months after our wedding. Despite being happy with my decision and blessed to be financially able to do so, I must admit the words stung at the time.
Our Beloved Republic is in Danger of Becoming a Socialist Country
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- By John Porter - Harrison, Arkansas
What Can We Do?
A great many people have emailed me expressing their agreement and asking, what can we do besides voting?
If I may suggest, the solutions are (1) organized movements to change our education system of future generations, and (2) organized groups to secure our election process and getting out the voters. These solution suggestions are both Constitutional without all the mayhem, bloodshed and destruction of life and property that an armed revolution would bring. They are both doable and can be financed, organized, planned and carried out and accomplished. All that is needed is the will to live free.
Restore Federal Election Integrity
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- By The John Birch Society
Congress must take action to restore election integrity and enforce the U.S. Constitution. Accordingly, it must repeal every unconstitutional federal election law — which also undermine election integrity — and prevent new ones from passing.
Both Article I, Section 4, and Article II, Section 1, of the United States Constitution give state legislatures primary authority over congressional elections. However, it also gives Congress authority to override state laws in this specific area. These provisions, as affirmed by The Federalist, No. 59, don’t give Congress any authority over state and local elections.
Several existing federal laws — all of which exceed Congress’ rightful authority under the Constitution — contribute to the lack of election integrity and security in our Republic.
SCFC Issues Policy Memo on "Health Czar"
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- By The SC Freedom Caucus
Conservative legislators clarify our objections and offer potential solutions
At the end of this legislative session, Representative Josiah Magnuson (Spartanburg) used a procedural motion to kill S.915 or the “Health Czar” bill. Since then, the Governor and several members of leadership have expressed interest in resurrecting the bill despite overwhelming grassroots opposition and clear concerns expressed by conservatives.
We felt it was important to communicate once again what our objections are to the bill, and what are some potential solutions that could make the bill better.
Subject: S.915 - SCFC concerns with the policy, and proposed solutions
Anger Over ICC Arrest Warrants Against Israeli Leaders
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- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
THE HAGUE/BUDAPEST – Leaders of several countries have expressed “unease” and outrage over the International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor’s decision to seek the arrest of Israeli leaders and “Islamist terrorist organization” Hamas for atrocities.
Austria’s chancellor Karl Nehammer said he “fully” respects ICC independence but signaled unease with Israel’s arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
“We fully respect the independence of the ICC. The fact, however, that the leader of the terrorist organization Hamas, whose declared goal is the extinction of the State of Israel, is being mentioned at the same time as the democratically elected representatives of that very State is incomprehensible,” he wrote on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.
Footage Shows Gaza Terrorists Operating out of U.N. Compound
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- By Joshua Arnold - The Washington Stand
Terrorists in Rafah have been operating out of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) central compound, according to video footage the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released Tuesday. The footage contained “Hamas terrorists firing at civilians from within a UNRWA facility next to UN vehicles in Rafah,” described Foreign Minister Israel Katz, leading him to conclude, “UNRWA is an arm of the terrorist organization Hamas.”
There’s plenty of evidence pointing in that direction. “UNRWA is a U.N. agency that’s supposed to deliver aid,” said Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on “Washington Watch” Thursday. But “they hire local folks to do it, and they’ve hired people that are really Hamas sympathizers. … We found tunnels under UNRWA’s headquarters. Now you’ve got video evidence of the compound being used for military purposes.”
Ukraine War Status Report 5-19-2024
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- By Mike Scruggs
Causes, Purposes, Propaganda, Misinformation, and Reality

Most Americans, Canadians, and Western Europeans are poorly informed or have been deliberately misinformed on what is going on in “Project Ukraine.” This has been true for the entire conflict going back not only to February 2022 but to its real beginning in February 2014 with the Maidan Revolution and US-backed coup d’état that removed elected Ukrainian pro-neutrality President Viktor Yanukovych and replaced him with a series of pro-NATO prime ministers and presidents.
The 1774 “Peggy Stewart” Tea Party in Annapolis, Maryland
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- By W.H. Lamb

Back in 1988, during one of our trips to Boston and vicinity, my wife and I went aboard the sailing brig, “Beaver”, a recreated ship of the type used back in the 1770’s. It was moored close to the site, in Boston Harbor, where the original “Boston Tea Party” was “held” back in 1773, during which The Sons of Liberty and their friends, dressed unconvincingly as “Indians”, dumped many chests of expensive, but “boycotted” tea, into the harbor. It must have been quite a sight, and it thoroughly incensed the British colonial government. On the recreated Beaver, there were several small chests of “pretend tea”, roped to the deck rail. My wife and I, and our daughter and her husband, thoroughly enjoyed our own version of “The Boston Tea Party”, as we threw those pretend tea chests into the harbor (several times, as I recall). It was a treat to “relive” history, and it was “liberating” to follow, if only figuratively, in the footsteps of patriots from an earlier time.
MADD South Carolina Recognizes Outstanding DUI Enforcement and Community Partner Efforts
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- By Press Release
COLUMBIA, SC, – On Friday night, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) held its third annual South Carolina law enforcement recognition dinner, Driven to Protect and Serve, presenting “MADDY” awards to officers and community partners across the state for excellence in their field. The event comes as South Carolina drunk driving fatalities are up 72% from 2019 to 2022, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The 474 lives lost was the second worst year on record for the state.
“MADD deeply values our longstanding relationship with the law enforcement community, which plays a vital role in preventing impaired driving and underage drinking,” said MADD’s Regional Executive Director, Steven Burritt. “Impaired driving is a crime that impacts people from all walks of life, and it is a privilege to honor the officers and agencies who go above and beyond to help end these senseless tragedies.”
NFL Sides with Anti-Catholic Bigots
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- By Bill Donohue - Catholic League President
NFL senior vice president Jonathan Beane addressed the commencement speech by Kansas City Chiefs' player Harrison Butker as follows: "Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger."
So by stigmatizing Butker—in effect excluding him—for defending Catholic moral theology, you are flexing your inclusion muscles? Nice to know what you think about Catholicism—that is the real issue. Too bad you couldn't cite a single sentence that was objectionable.
Your credibility has long been shot. I will do what you cannot do—I will be specific in my criticisms of the NFL.
- What is the WHO?
- A Layman's Awe in the Revelation of Jesus Christ
- NFL Kicker’s Pro-Family Commencement Speech Sparks Left-Wing Backlash
- Non-Governmental Organizations Are Assisting the Biden Border Crisis
- Russia’s President Forging Ties With China As New Cold War Rages
- Anything to Keep Trump Quite
- SCPC, SCPIF Dispute Commerce's Spin on Scout Ethics Complaint
- Brandy Tarleton Pledges to Support Congressional Term Limits
- California Public School Teacher Fired for Her Religious Beliefs Settles with California School District
- Pushing Pot to Pander to Voters
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