- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Lighting the Syrian Fuse
- To Go in Peace and Be Left Alone
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
What is the WHO?
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- By Kris Ullman - President of Eagle Forum
Ronald Reagan famously said the nine most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Updated for this century, the scariest statement is now, “I’m from the World Health Organization (WHO), and I’m here to help.”
The WHO is now putting the final touches on two sovereignty-stealing instruments — the International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments and the proposed Pandemic Treaty. Under the pretext of pandemic preparedness, increasingly totalitarian policies are being rolled out, and our human rights are being trampled on.
A Layman's Awe in the Revelation of Jesus Christ
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- By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC
Mankind today is more blessed in Jesus Christ to receive the gift of eternal spiritual life with God than was Adam or Eve because we have an ABSOLUTE, unremovable by us, spiritual sin barrier to eternal spiritual life-yet God has, nonetheless, provided a means for our (believers) forgiveness and life. Adam was not blocked by his personal sin when the Tree of Life was made available to him by the Word of God (the bridge) and he could eat at any time before accountability; but mankind now has a spiritual barrier of sin and cannot on our own, as Adam was initially, able to freely eat. After the fall of Adam God, mercifully and in love until He cleanses us in Jesus, closed the way to the Tree of Life in the Garden and we have no ability because of our sin to pass the guards (Genesis 3, 22-24). Adam only had one problem initially-faith. He was created spiritually dead but eternal spiritual life was freely offered on faith. Mankind now has two (2) separate problems and additional problems: defilement in “sin” and “unbelief” in addition to being born "spiritually dead!
NFL Kicker’s Pro-Family Commencement Speech Sparks Left-Wing Backlash
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- By S.A. McCarthy - The Washington Stand
Some sports stars make headlines for drug abuse or acts of violence, but one football player is taking heat for publicly promoting Christian values. On Saturday, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered the commencement at the Catholic Benedictine College, encouraging young graduates to stand firm in their faith and live out authentic Christian virtues.
Now, the National Football League (NFL) is playing defense and condemning Butker’s speech as offensive. The NFL’s senior vice president and top diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) officer Jonathan Beane told media, “Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.” Others on the Left have been quick to blast Butker, especially for referring to homosexual acts and gender ideology as “deadly sins” and for encouraging women to be mothers and men to be fathers.
Non-Governmental Organizations Are Assisting the Biden Border Crisis
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- By Eagle Forum
Illegals Thriving on Our Tax Dollars
While the Biden administration has allowed millions of immigrants to pour into our country, they are also paying others to facilitate the influx under the guise of “humanitarian aid”. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are receiving billions of taxpayer dollars that reward the cartels for smuggling children across the border and help in criminal activity. Some members of Congress are working to defund these programs.
Sadly, unaccompanied children have been pushed across the border by desperate parents and evil cartels. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reported that over 700,000 unaccompanied children (UC) have been placed in the care of HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement since the program’s creation in 2012. Initially, the $1.8 billion program served 8,000 UCs annually in the first 9 years, but that number dramatically increased to nearly 119,000 UCs last year. This humongous increase has inflated their expected budget for 2024 to an expected $7.3 billion. The program provides education, healthcare, case management, recreation, and unification services within their facilities. But these payments actually encourage parents to send their children across the border in the hands of abusive ‘coyotes’ and potential sex traffickers.
Russia’s President Forging Ties With China As New Cold War Rages
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- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
BEIJING/MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin met Thursday in Beijing with Chinese President Xi Jinping to increase their strategic ties as a new Cold War emerges with the West.
The two leaders signed a statement on “deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership” between their two nations, seen by critics as a clear warning to the United States and its allies.
Xi said China and Russia would “continue to uphold a position of non-alliance and non-confrontation” and that Beijing seeks peace in Russia’s war with Ukraine. However, he declined to condemn the Russian invasion of the country.
As their talks began, Putin was greeted by Xi with full military honors at the Great Hall of the People, the massive seat of the ceremonial legislature sitting aside Tiananmen Square in the heart of the capital, Beijing.
SCPC, SCPIF Dispute Commerce's Spin on Scout Ethics Complaint
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- By Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
The following is a joint statement issued by the South Carolina Policy Council and South Carolina Public Interest Foundation in response to a recent opinion column submitted by S.C. Commerce Secretary Harry Lightsey to at least two news outlets in the state:
The South Carolina Policy Council and South Carolina Public Interest Foundation last month jointly submitted a formal complaint to the S.C. State Ethics Commission regarding Scout Motors’ electric-vehicle assembly plant under construction in Richland County. The commission’s executive director in an April 26, 2024, letter notified the two organizations that the complaint “contained facts sufficient to warrant an investigation.”
The Policy Council and The Nerve – the investigative news arm of the Policy Council – each published the complaint on their respective websites on April 29, 2024.
Brandy Tarleton Pledges to Support Congressional Term Limits
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- By U.S. Term Limits
Easley, SC - U.S. Term Limits (USTL), the leader in the national, non-partisan movement to limit terms for elected officials, is gathering support from state lawmakers across the nation. Its mission is to get 34 states to apply for an amendment proposal convention specific to term limits on Congress. South Carolina state house candidate, Brandy Tarleton (District 5), has committed support for term limits on Congress by signing the term limits convention pledge. Tarleton is the first signer in this race.
California Public School Teacher Fired for Her Religious Beliefs Settles with California School District
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- By Advocates for Faith & Freedom
MURRIETA, Calif. -- Last night, the Jurupa Unified School District Board approved a settlement agreement between Jessica Tapia and the Jurupa Unified School District to settle her lawsuit for $360,000. Last year, Advocates for Faith and Freedom filed a lawsuit challenging Jurupa Unified School District in the Central District of California after the wrongful termination of public school teacher Jessica Tapia for her religious beliefs. Her termination came after the school district refused to accommodate Jessica's religious beliefs, which conflicted with the school district's harmful policies, such as referring to students by their preferred pronouns and withholding information from parents regarding their child's gender identity.
Pushing Pot to Pander to Voters
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- By Kristen A. Ullman - Eagle Forum President
The Dangers of Marijuana Reclassification Are Not Hazy
“What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?” This is the most frequent question I received over the last 25 years when I participated in over 200 domestic issues for high school students from across the country. At these debates, the questions are student-generated and the “pot question” was by far the perennial favorite, invoking snickers from the other teenagers in the room. A common refrain was “Alcohol is dangerous, and we allow that, so why not pot?” The kids think they are being edgy, but they are only revealing the masterful smoke and mirrors distortions peddled by Big Marijuana.
Biden Administration Weaponizes and Politicizes the Department of Justice Against Peaceful Pro-Life Activities
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- By Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON -- Nine pro-life activists are facing up to 11 years in federal prison for a peaceful sit-in at a late-term abortion center in Washington, D.C. in 2020.
The “Garland 9” will face sentencing in the Washington, D.C. federal court between May 14 and 31. They have been in jail since September of 2023.
The Christian Defense Coalition calls upon Congress to hold hearings on this misuse of power by President Biden and the Department of Justice against the pro-life community.
What makes the actions of the Biden Administration even more troubling is the double standard of justice Palestinian protesters are receiving after their arrests in comparison to the Garland 9.
City of "Yes, I Want to Be a Slave"
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- By Kathleen Marquardt - American Policy Center
City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality
In New York City mayor Eric Adams says, “Everything you need to know about the latest proposal in ‘City of Yes’” we get to see one of the latest schemes to capture property rights – via carbon neutrality. What is carbon neutrality? According to the European Parliament it “is reached when the same amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere as is removed by various means, leaving a zero balance, also known as a zero-carbon footprint”. To understand that better, we had a carbon neutral world up until the 1800s when crude oil/fossil fuels were discovered. That brought about the advances in our lives – automobiles, gas and electric appliances, phones, computers – you name it. Green energy can never produce the equipment needed to supply these modern tools.
Abiogenesis is Untestable
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- By Press Release
If abiogenesis did occur on Earth, it can never be tested. It would be a one-of-a-kind event with no one present to observe and would not have occurred under conditions or on a scale that would leave a fossil record. Furthermore, even if all of the evidence proved beyond even an irrational doubt that abiogenesis did not occur on Earth, it could just be moved to Mars or some other planet. Once again, the ultimate rescue of abiogenesis would be that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. All this shows that abiogenesis is an untestable hypothesis and therefore does not qualify as science.
Fix Social Security With Ownership, Not More Government
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- By Star Parker
The trustees for Social Security have just issued their annual report. And, as we have learned annually over recent years, the system cannot meet its obligations.
According to this latest report, the Social Security system will not be able to meet its obligations to retirees by 2035. In 2035, the system will be adequate to meet just 83% of its obligations.
This is supposedly good news because the projected shortfall occurs one year later than reported last year.
Arab States Readying Peacekeeping Force In Gaza
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- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
JERUSALEM – Israel came under pressure Wednesday to accept an independent Palestinian state as Arab countries plan to join a U.S.-led peacekeeping force in wartorn Gaza, Western and Arab officials confirmed Wednesday.
Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Morocco are considering the American initiative for a multinational force to control the Gaza Strip, Worthy News learned.
However, an Israeli declaration that they are “accepting a two-solution” is a key condition for them to join the “multinational” army, according to diplomats familiar with the discussions.
Arab states also demand an American declaration and action “to express support for a Palestinian state” and that the United States will lead the Arab force in Gaza.
Republican Hopefuls Parade Before Luncheoners at First Monday
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- By Terry M. Thacker
While nearly 200 Greenville Republican leaders and activists lunched on fried chicken, mashed potatoes and broccoli last Monday at the Poinsett Club, a plethora of GOP candidates for various political offices in the Greenville area made their elevator pitch as to why they should be elected.
The occasion was the monthly meeting of the First Monday Republican Club. Deb Sofield runs the club as a well-oiled machine when it comes to starting each monthly program on time and keeping things moving.
Each candidate present was given up to three minutes to put their best foot forward and to try to convince the audience members to vote for them rather than the other guy – or gal. Some read their remarks and others spoke off the cuff.
Target Retreats from LGBT Merch after Year-Long Profit Bloodbath
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- By Suzanne Bowdey - The Washington Stand
This year’s Pride Month is shaping up to be a much more humble affair at Target. In an extremely gratifying twist, the company that bragged their transgender line is “great for our brand” has changed its mind after a year-long stock market bruising. It’s the latest evidence that the wildfire of consumer activism is not only spreading but forcing the kind of change most people never thought possible.
If you asked conservatives two years ago, stopping the woke at major brands would’ve been a victory. But reversing the woke? That’s a tectonic shift in the power structure of Big Business. For once, CEOs — who for years have thrown their radical agenda in the face of shoppers — are feeling enough pain in their profit margins to stop and ask if appeasing the far-Left is worth it.
SC Freedom Caucus Defeats Health Czar!
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- By SC Freedom Caucus
Major Wins on Final Day of Session
Earlier this year, the Uniparty establishment made multiple attempts to force through a “Health Czar” Bill under the guise of restructuring and consolidating public health departments in SC. Today, the SC Freedom Caucus defeated the effort!

You may remember a few months ago we wrote:
“Rather than standing up to the WHO, banning vaccine mandates, or ensuring that the legislature will have a voice to stop lockdowns and runaway ‘health emergencies,’ the General Assembly is focused on passing legislation recommended by the Boston Consulting Group, a partner of the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”
Our SC Freedom Caucus had numerous objections to this unprecedented bill including the unknown cost to taxpayers, dangerous powers placed in the hands of a sole unelected bureaucrat, and failure to actually “consolidate” or cut any government whatsoever.
Tucker Carlson Interview of Vladimir Putin - Part 12 of 12
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- By Mike Scruggs

Ukraine Is Ruling Out Peace Talks and Cancelling Churches
In Part 11 of this series, Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin talked about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and issues of concern in Russian-American relations. The Commentary included statistics on Ukraine’s alarming population decline and the Ukrainian Army’s heavy losses and severe shortage of manpower. Below, Tucker Carlson begins a discussion on peace negotiations.
Tucker Carlson: I wonder if that’s true with the war though also, I mean, I guess I want to ask one more question which is, and maybe you don’t want to say so for strategic reasons, but are you worried that what’s happening in Ukraine could lead to something much larger and much more horrible and how motivated are you just to call the US government and say, “let’s come to terms”?
America Is Under Siege
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- By W.H. Lamb

We all know the facts and/or the legend of “The Siege of the Alamo” in San Antonio, Texas in late February and early March of 1836. A pitifully small number of Texans (or “Texians”) and American volunteers (about 180 men, plus a few women and children) determined to defend an old mission church called the “Alamo” that they had previously captured from its small Mexican garrison, fortified it, and eventually resisted a vastly superior enemy force—the Mexican Army of at least 1400 soldiers, under General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794-1876) thereby enshrining the term: “13 days of glory”, into our American lexicon. The Commander of the Alamo’s defenders, young Lt. Colonel William Travis (1809-1836), age 26, realizing that his situation by early March, 1836 was virtually hopeless, vowed to defend the Alamo to the end. Gathering the remaining defenders on Saturday, March 5, 1836, Travis, according to the “Legend of the Alamo”, gave a short talk to his ragged and battle-weary men.
Bombshell Story: House GOP Caucus Senior Advisor Helps Dark Money Attack Conservatives!
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- By SC Freedom Caucus
Saturday afternoon while many of the South Carolina Freedom Caucus members were door knocking and connecting with constituents on issues that matter to them, a bombshell story broke concerning the inaccurately named, special interest-funded, dark money group, “Palmetto Truth Project.”
As you probably remember, Palmetto Truth Project was established in March of last year after South Carolina Freedom Caucus members pushed the woke Left and RINO establishment to their breaking point through conservative amendments and exposure of the RINOs’ own voting records. The establishment was especially incensed that we targeted DEI funding and wasteful pork in the 2023 budget. Days later, PTP began a relentless attack on all SCFC members because we were standing up and fighting for conservative values - and winning!
Biden 2.0 -- Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
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- By Stephen Moore
Could a second Biden term be more injurious to the economy than his first term? It seems unimaginable given the first three years gave us 20% inflation, a $2,000 loss in average real incomes for the middle class, 6 million added illegal immigrants, a war on American energy that has caused gas prices to rise by more than 40% to $3.64 a gallon, the collapse of our many major cities, another $6 trillion added to the national debt, the unaffordability of new homes, and the chaos on college campuses.
So what's the encore to that abysmal performance? What will Bidenomics 2.0 look like if it comes to that?
Daughters of 1812 Holds Their May Meeting at Post 214
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- By Tony A. Dunn
National Society United States Daughters of 1812 held their May meeting at The American Legion Major Rudolf Anderson, Jr. Post 214 located at 3110 Wade Hampton Blvd. Founded in 1892, the National Society United States Daughter of 1812 is a non-profit, non-political women's service organization headquartered in Washington, DC.
How to Save the USA
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- By Winston McCuen - South Carolina
Eagle Forum, Sovereignty Coalition Warn WHO Treaty is Not Dead
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- By Eagle Forum
Eagle Forum is pleased to forward the following statement from the Sovereignty Coalition relating to the latest developments from the World Health Assembly:
The World Health Organization announced on Friday that its negotiators had failed to achieve agreement on a final draft of the proposed Pandemic Response Accord by the declared May 10 deadline. The announcement prompted some to believe that the treaty was “dead” and no longer likely to be approved at the upcoming meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) from May 27 to June 1.
Not so.
Video: Shots Fired During Live Stream News Conference Promoting 2 Genders Campaign
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- By Public Advocate

WASHINGTON -- Summary: Shots were fired near Public Advocate's CEO and staff during a live stream video announcement of a billboard campaign opposing transgender surgery on children and promoting the reality of just two genders.
The large billboard on Route 522 South, 3 miles south of Interstate 81, east side of the road, has the words painted on it: "Scientific Fact," with two pelvis skeletons pictured, "male 90 degrees, female, 120 degrees." The sign portrays the structural difference between a male and female pelvis.
Audacy Announces All-Star Lineup on 98.9 WORD
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- By James Spurck and Terry Thacker
“The Boys Are Back in Town” - Gallagher and Hudson are Back Where it All Started 35 Years Ago

Photo by James Spurck
In 1989, when talk show pioneer Rush Limbaugh had already been on syndicated radio for a year in Upstate South Carolina, local talk radio host Mike Gallagher was added to the local lineup from 10 a.m. to noon as the lead-in to the Maharushi.
After gaining popularity on the original WORD (WFBC) local station, “The Mike Gallagher Show” became nationally syndicated. Gallagher was promoted to New York City, and the Greenville local station became one of his first affiliates.
After many years, the company that Gallagher worked for acquired the former WMUU radio station in Greenville, which was previously owned by Bob Jones University.
- Bob Jones III Endorses Ben Carper for SC Senate District 6
- Meet Chris Huff, Candidate for SC State House District 28
- Biden's Threat to Israel
- Coalition of Christian Leaders Calls on Churches to 'Pray For & Stand With Israel' on Sunday, May 19
- Journalist: Left-Wing Donors Manipulating Students into Campus Protests
- State Attorneys General to Biden: “We Will Resist the WHO”
- Israel’s Netanyahu Suggests Rafah Operations Continue Despite Suspension of US Aid
- She Leads America/UK Summit at Windsor Castle Welcomes Media Executive Kathleen Cooke
- Christians Must Stop Seeing Politics as 'Evil' Says Former Congressional Candidate
- Add Sen. Tom Cotton to VP Shortlist
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