- The Assassination of Donald Trump and The Revenge of MAGA
- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results, Shatter Secretary's Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- A Different Focus on Biden July 11 Press Conference
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
A Very Important Runoff Election
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The runoff election set for next Tuesday pits some very different candidates against each other. The democrats have their candidates; however, they will not have a big part in this election season in the Upstate. The winners in the republican primary will likely be winners in the November 2018 general election.
The runoff in the governor’s race: McMaster’s opponent is a dynamic young businessman with a Marine Corps background, vs. a lifelong politician with a big personality and a history of being part of the “Good ol Boy” system in Columbia. The opponent, John Warren, is a newcomer and a very successful business owner and military leader with combat experience.
Diversity and Inclusion Harm
- By Walter Williams
In conversations with most college officials, many CEOs, many politicians and race hustlers, it’s not long before the magical words “diversity” and “inclusiveness” drop from their lips. Racial minorities are the intended targets of this sociological largesse, but women are included, as well. This obsession with diversity and inclusion is in the process of leading the nation to decline in a number of areas. We’re told how it’s doing so in science, in an article by Heather Mac Donald, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, titled “How Identity Politics Is Harming the Sciences” (http://tinyurl.com/y9g8k9ne).
False Narratives of American History
- By Mike Scruggs
The Union Cause Was Not Ending Slavery
here are more books written about the U.S. “Civil War” than any other subject with the exception of Christianity and the Bible. In the foreword of my book, The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths, published in 2011, I noted that despite the hunger of Americans to know about the Civil War, it is the least understood war in American history in terms of its political causes and conduct. The second least understood war in American history is the Vietnam War, on which I also published a book in 2009, entitled Lessons from the Vietnam War, Truths the Media Never Told You. The history of both wars suffers from ideological distortion by the relentless imposition of politically correct false narratives that dominate the U.S. educational, media and political establishments. The distorted narrative of the Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877) has been especially powerful in advancing the liberal-progressive political agenda of centralized federal power and in corrupting voters with numerous victim and entitlement ideologies.
The government and progressive media narrative of the Civil War focuses on one issue—slavery—turning the war into a morality play about freeing Southern slaves. No knowledgeable and politically uncorrupted scholar can endorse such a politicized and distorted simplification of history. Yet that is the prevailing and often repeated public understanding of the “cause” of the war. Slavery was an important secondary issue, but it was not primarily driven by a moral rejection of the institution by most Northern political leaders or their constituents.
Upstate Election Results
- By Staff Report
2018 Republican Primary in Greenville County
U.S. House of Representatives 4th District
Lee Bright (25%)
William Timmons (19%)
Dan Hamilton (19%)
Josh Kimbrell (11%)
Stephen H Brown (8%)
James Epley (8%)
Shannon Pierce (4%)
Claude Schmid (2%)
Mark Burns (2%)
Dan Albert (1%)
Justin David Sanders (1%)
John Marshall Mosser (1%)
Barry Bell (0%)
Underbelly of the Deep State
- By Alex Newman - The New American
The Deep State — those organizations and individuals who aim to illegally use government to alter America to their liking (so Americans obey a world government) — is vulnerable.
Killing the Deep State has long been high on the priority list for most readers of THE NEW AMERICAN magazine. And in a new book entitled Killing the Deep State, celebrated conservative author and investigative journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi outlines some of his ideas on how President Donald Trump could help accomplish that goal. But before that, Corsi provides compelling evidence proving two key points — first, that there is indeed a Deep State within the federal government; and second, that this machine is doing everything possible to bring down and sabotage the elected president of the United States. The stakes could not be higher.
Corsi begins the book by explaining why and how the Deep State came to despise Trump and embrace the so-called #NeverTrump movement, which is a coalition of neoconservatives, liberals, globalists, Islamists and leftists determined to stop the bombastic businessman. Early on, the book focuses on the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the clique within its upper echelons that literally conspired to stop Trump and eventually bring him down. Text messages between two top FBI officials —- “counterintelligence” boss Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page — prove that there was indeed a “conspiracy,” in their words, to undermine the president. The hatred the two lovers displayed toward Trump was shocking.
Modernizing Publishing
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Times Examiner is undergoing a major transition that is planned for completion by July 1st. The former weekly hard-copy newspaper will become 100% digital beginning the 1st week in July 2018. The content will be essentially the same, however, the publication will be in real-time rather than having a weekly cutoff.
The primary election this week provides an example of the shortcomings of a weekly newspaper. Our publication schedule of going to press on Monday night for a newspaper dated Wednesday means we miss the election results and provide them to our readers eight days after they are available. The digital version will allow us to report to our readers in real-time.
May the Better Liar Win...
- By J.C. Worthington - Taylors, SC
This has been submitted too late to be considered for the primary elections scheduled yesterday, June 12th. Perhaps it can be remembered for the November elections, (although the primaries, where distinctions are more important within parties where the closest positions are delineated would have been better) and for the expected run-off elections to be held Tuesday, June 26th.
In an article in zerohedge.com by Tyler Durden covering author Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation, it is stated that What killed democracy (sic) was constant lying to the public, by politicians whose only way to win... office is to represent the interests of the super-rich at the same time as the given politician promises to represent the interests of the public -- and may the better liar win! -- it’s a lying contest.
Thank God For Donald Trump
- By Dennis E. Neves - Greenville, SC
Thank God for Donald Trump. I know that he is not perfect, but neither was King David. But both were, I believe, chosen by God to lead their respective nations at the appointed time in human history.
President Donal Trump has done more to bring God to the “Public Square” than any President that we have had since Ronald Reagan.
John Warren Wins Gubernatorial Straw Poll in Greenville
- By Staff Report
A straw poll was conducted at the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee Meeting.
John Warren led the straw poll with 185 votes compared to Henry McMaster’s 33, followed by 16 for Catherine Templeton, Kevin Bryant at 12 with John Yancey McGill rounding it out at three votes.
Courtney Warren introduced her husband, John Warren at the Executive Committee special meeting, detailing his military service as a US Marine captain in Iraq, leading troops on over 300 missions.
After returning home, Warren started Lima One Capital Group which turned into one of the fastest growing financial companies in South Carolina.
South Carolina Primary Elections Set for Tuesday, June 12th
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
18 Candidates Vying for Trey Gowdy’s Fourth Congressional District Seat. 13 are Republicans and 5 are Democrats
The South Carolina Primary Election features several important races.
The contest for Governor features five Republicans and three Democrats.
For the first time gubernatorial candidates are naming their running-mates. In the past, Lt. Governors ran separate races and could represent the same or a different political party from the Governor.
In addition to the Governor, the Secretary of the State and Attorney General are being challenged by members of their own party.
2018 Primary Candidate List for Tuesday, June 12th
- By Press Release
2018 Republican Primary in Greenville County
U.S. House of Representatives 4th District
Dan Albert
Barry Bell
Lee Bright
Stephen H Brown
Mark Burns
James Epley
Dan Hamilton
Josh Kimbrell
John Marshall Mosser
Shannon Pierce
Justin David Sanders
Claude Schmid
William Timmons
Stephen Brown for Congress – SC District 4
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Times Examiner wholeheartedly endorses Stephen Brown in the Republican primary for Congress to replace Congressman Trey Gowdy who has chosen not to seek reelection. Loyal readers of this paper will likely recognize how unusual it is for the Times Examiner to provide an editorial endorsement to a candidate for any office. We believe that this candidate and this office, at this time, create an exceptional set of circumstances that compel us to help clarify the convoluted picture created by twelve candidates running for this Congressional seat, none of whom had significant name recognition prior to entering this race.
4th District Primary: Common Sense, Freedom, and Emotions
- By Jim Gaston - Greenville, SC
The people of the Upstate are overdue for a principled constitutionalist to represent them in WashDC. While former reps. might have been considered “conservative,” the 4th District does not need a smooth talker to simply hold the title and vote with the GOP establishment. In the crowded field of candidates for the upcoming primary, there are only 2 guys that have put principles and freedom ahead of party. Lee Bright and Stephen Brown have proven they will be committed to opposing the swamp and upholding the Constitution even when it is unpopular. In the event of an emotional crisis such as an economic calamity or gun legislation, we need someone who will not cave to pressure.
Support for Bobby Cox - SC House District 21
- By Dianne Mitchell - Greenville, SC
It is primary time for voters and no matter which party you support, it means that people with whom you largely agree are running against one another. Making a choice between them is more difficult and it can get personal if you are acquainted with them. But the comparison must be done so may the best candidate win and no hard feelings, please.
The race I would like to discuss is for State House District 21 currently held by Phyllis Henderson. Phyllis has spent time on education and the opioid epidemic. These are important issues and her work has made some progress for improvement. But is it enough? I think not. This work can be continued by someone else who more closely aligns with the voters in District 21.
You Have To Retire To Find Out the Condition of Your Marriage
- By David Thompson
If asked to describe your spouse what words would you chose? Trustful, faithful, funny, sexy, understanding...can you put in words what makes a good marriage? Maybe the best answer is one like Supreme Court Justice Potter Seward gave when asked to describe pornography he said, “I know it when I see it.”
When I was a new teacher in a public high school in the 1969-70 school year, I took a job as a cashier during the Christmas holiday at a liquor store. One day two seniors came to the register, each with a basket full of booze. Not sure whether they should be rung up separately or as one purchase I asked, “Are you two together.” Without a moment’s hesitation the woman replied, “24 hours a day.” Thus was I introduced to what retirement really means on a daily basis.
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- District 18 SC House Candidate Held Meet-n-Greet
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- Tribute to Veterans At Woodlawn Memorial Park
- Military Theme Graduation Celebration
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- Memorial Day
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