- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- Lisa Campbell Bracewell for Greenville County School Board - District 17
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
- Obama Puppet Master Still the Same
- NBC News Report: 'The Firing Squad' Reaches 'Demographic that is Often Left Out of the Box Office Equation'
Greenville Post 3 (1-1) in American Legion Tournament
- By Press Release
American Legion Post 3 Generals defeated Florence Post 1 (3-0) Saturday afternoon in Sumter in the Opening Game of the American Legion State Tournament.
Kyle Van Hoff, Right hander from Eastside H.S. walked one, and struck out six, and retired the last 16 batters in a row.
In the bottom of the sixth inning, with one out, Jordan Ford, Wade Hampton H.S. doubled to left field. Will Robertson followed with an RBI single to make it 1-0 Generals.
Heather Sheen Presents “Secession Cockades”
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Heather Sheen, author of an exclusive Home School Column that appears in The Times Examiner, was guest speaker at the July meeting of the 16th Regiment, SCV at the Phoenix Inn in Greenville.
Miss Sheen is a home-school graduate with a BA in History. She and her family have enjoyed exploring historical subjects for many years. The Sesquicentennial events of the War Between the States inspired her to begin researching cockades of that era. She is now an international authority on the rare subject that is virtually unknown by most Americans, although cockades are a part of our history and are seen in many famous portraits of the early days of our republic. They were especially popular during the American Revolution and the War Between the States.
Sheen now constructs by hand and sells cockades at special events and through her website: www.creativecockades.com.
Congressman Jeff Duncan and Senator Tim Scott Report on Congressional Issues to the Greenville Tea Party
- By Steven Haynie and J. Don Rogers
The nation faces grave problems that are unlikely to be resolved by Congress. This seems to be the conclusion of most of the conservatives in attendance at the Greenville Tea Party monthly meeting held at the ZEN in downtown Greenville last Thursday, July 25.
Congressman Jeff Duncan, the featured speaker, and Senator Tim Scott, who also made an appearance, revealed the depth and scope of some of the government-created problems facing America. State Treasurer Curtis Loftis was also in attendance.
Could Greenville Become Detroit City?
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Detroit City is broke. Detroit has declared bankruptcy. More than half of Detroit’s population has left town, vanished, gone south. Families and businesses have left a decaying shell of a once thriving community. Vacated buildings are falling down, occupied only by starving sewer rats and drug addicts. How could this happen to a city that was once the automobile capital of the world? There is an answer, but tragically the answer raises another question, and this one much closer home: Is Greenville, South Carolina, following in the footsteps of this once thriving city and could Greenville become another Detroit?
What destroyed Detroit? What are the similarities with Greenville that could bring financial disaster?
City and County Inspectors Getting Tough on Residents
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Where do Property Rights End and Tyranny Begin?
Two weeks ago, a female resident of Greenville County was summoned to Magistrate Court charged with weeds too high in her yard, second offense. A resident of the neighborhood had allegedly repeatedly reported her to county authorities. She paid a $500 fine for the first offense and in a few days was given notice that if the small patch of weeds in a “flower bed” were not brought into regulation and cut to less than 14 inches tall, she would be fined $1,100.
The woman, who lives alone, reported to the Magistrate Court at County Square without $1,100 to pay the fine. She was ordered handcuffed and taken to jail by the magistrate, sentenced to 15 days confinement.
Deputy Earns 3rd Medal of Valor
- By James "Chip" Moore
On June 15, 2013, while on secondary employment patrolling the area of Cedar Falls County Park, Deputy Robert Curtis came to the rescue of a couple that was drowning in the water. The woman was trying to teach her fiancée to swim when he started having difficulty. As she went out to help, the man grabbed onto her and ended up taking her under with him. During a foot patrol Curtis noticed the couple having difficulty staying afloat.
Gettysburg 150 – A Southern Perspective
- By Jennifer Sawyer
The 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg was held during the period June 27 – July 7, 2013. Events began with a reenactment by the Blue Gray Alliance June 27-30 and ended with a reenactment sponsored by the GAC, or Gettysburg Anniversary Committee. Both events were held on private property outside of Gettysburg. The National Park Service held real time commemorations, walks, tours, talks, and other special events while the GAC set up events in the town of Gettysburg outside the National Park.
On Sunday, June 30, a special commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg was held at the National Park with a firing of cannon symbolizing the first shot. The presentation of colors was by the 3rd US Infantry Regiment, National Anthem performed by Trace Adkins, and a live theatrical depiction of the battle told through the voices of soldiers, leaders, and civilians who experienced it. A candle lighting service was held followed by a twenty-one gun salute and a procession to the Soldier’s National Cemetery for a luminaria.
Derrell Stewart
- By Keith Crowe
A few years ago I had the opportunity to talk with several of the Southern Gospel Music legends at the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion. This week’s feature is one of the true legends. He is Derrell Stewart, one of the main stays of The Florida Boys before they retired and Charlie Waller began to carry on the group.
Darrell was born in Brunswick Georgia. Derrell began to play piano at five years of age and continued to take lessons all through school. He stated that his introduction to Southern Gospel Music was through the all-day singings and other church related musical events. One of his piano teachers was James Walbert and according to Derrell he was one of the best quartet style piano teachers in the business. If you have ever been to a concert of The Florida Boys you know that Derrell learned his piano lessons well and, although Derrell is very modest in talking about himself as a pianist, he would have to be numbered among the best in the business. Some of his heroes were Hovie Lister and Wally Varner. They too are know for not only their ability to play but also for their stage presence.
A Long Hot Summer of Distraction
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
President Obama now has his summer distraction from all the scandals from Benghazi to the IRS as well as the “Gang of Eight’ Amnesty bill that he wants to pass and sign into law this summer. Civil unrest agitators from Occupy Wall Street and Black Panthers to the NAACP are gearing up to take to the streets and frighten Americans into accepting anything they are promised by politicians. They will be told acceptance will be necessary in order to have peace again in the streets, schools, businesses and elsewhere. For the agitators, the price of peace is the death of George Zimmerman or seeing him locked away forever with no chance for parole.
Americans for Constitutional Government Celebrates 50 Years
- By Press Release
TAYLORS, SC - Americans for Constitutional Government, a local conservative education and action group that emphasizes adherence to the principles of the Founders, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary Saturday, July 13, 2013, with a barbeque at the Academy of Arts.
Over 80 guests attended for a scrumptious meal, inspiring music, and an engaging array of patriotic speakers, including movie producer E. Ray Moore, past ACG director Ann Campbell, SC Rep. Bill Chumley, SC Senator Tom Davis, SC Senator Lee Bright, and others.
Greenville Tea Party Protests IRS
- By Press Release
The Greenville Tea Party hosted a rally and sign wave July 9th outside the IRS office located at 440 Roper Mountain Rd. in Greenville, SC. The sign wave was used to voice opinions and concerns over wasting money, fair or flat tax, truth and the recent discrimination tactics used by the organization.
GOP Women’s Program: Let’s Take America Back
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Presented by Logos Theater Cast with Glenn Christianson at the Piano
The Greenville County Republican Women’s Club Americanism Chairman Kathy Davis presented a dramatic program by the Academy of Arts Ministries Logos Theater cast titled, Let’s Take America Back.
The program was presented at the Poinsett Club during the GCRWC 27 June luncheon that emphasized Independence Day.
Author and Editor of Greenville War History Honored by SCV
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Sixteenth Regiment, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Camp 36 of Greenville, South Carolina, has published a book titled: Greenville, South Carolina During the War for Southern Independence. The camp, during the June 27 monthly dinner meeting, honored Author Mike Finley and Editor Dr. Martha Batten.
Also recognized for his part in the project was past Commander Jim Bouchillon, who promoted the idea of a book on Greenville’s war history for the Sesquicentennial Anniversary of the War for Southern Independence.
Will Trayvon Verdict Trigger Riots?
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A verdict in the trial of Neighborhood Watchman George Zimmerman is expected in the next few days. The prosecution has already made its somewhat weak case against Zimmerman who is charged with second degree Murder of Trayvon Martin, and the defense has begun to call witnesses. A verdict could come as early as this weekend.
There have been predictions for months that the Al Sharpton types who have become wealthy and powerful from racial strife will encourage activity (rioting) in the streets if Zimmerman is acquitted or found guilty of a lesser charge. There is also speculation that some in the Obama administration would favor a racial incident this summer to take public attention away from the multiple scandals plaguing the administration, and perhaps justify implementation of some measure of Martial Law. Many in law enforcement have been preparing for riots this summer; they just don’t know what would be the ultimate event that would trigger the acts.
Cowpens Living History Reenactment
- By Press Release
Hundreds of tourists got a taste of what life was like back during the days of the American Revolution this past Saturday at the Cowpens National Battlefield as reenactors gave musket and cannon firing demonstrations and rangers led walks of the battlefield.
The Late Sheriff Sam Simmons Honored by Greenville County Legislative Delegation
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Lawmakers Challenged to Reveal Non-Governmental Income
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“This Income is Often the very Source of Conflict of Interest and Corruption”
Harry Kibler, founder of RINO Hunt and host of Conservative Voice Talk radio program that airs on WORD, FM 106.3 each Saturday afternoon, Delivered a frank and sobering message to the Greenville County Legislative Delegation during their Monday, July 8 meeting at Greenville County Square.
Kibler’s five-minute message is presented verbatim to insure clarity and avoid misunderstanding or distortion of his stern message.
“I would like to express my concerns about the condition of our state and South Carolina Government in general.“For decades we have been asking our legislature for laws concerning such things as school choice, real tax reform, real government reform, real ethics reform, registration by party and a host of other issues. Each year legislation gets sponsored dealing with these issues, but each year the legislation dies in committee or on the floor.
Physicians’ Declaration of Independence
- By Dr. Richard Amerling
When in the Course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one Profession to dissolve the Financial Arrangements which have connected them with Medicare, Medicaid, assorted Health Maintenance Organizations, and diverse Third Party Payers and to assume among the other Professions of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that the Physician’s primary responsibility is toward the Patient; that to assure the sanctity of this relationship, payment for service should be decided between Physician and Patient, and that, as in all transactions in a free society, this payment be mutually agreeable. Only such a Financial Arrangement will guarantee the highest level of Commitment and Service of the Physician to the Patient, restrain Outside Influence on Decision-Making, and assure that personal information be kept confidential.
Charlie Waller and Hovie Lister
- By Keith Crowe
When I began to write “The Gospel Music Corner” I said that not only would the feature be about groups and artists but also about folks who had made an impact on the gospel music industry.
This week’s feature is without question about one person who has impacted the gospel music industry nationwide, as well as the upstate, as much if not more than any other person. This person is Charles (Charlie) Waller, “The Grand Ole Gospel Man.” Charlie is one of the more colorful people in Southern Gospel Music. He loves traditional Southern Gospel Music and works tirelessly to promote and preserve it. Charlie was born in 1948 (a very good year) in Waynesboro Mississippi. Today he divides his time between Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and Georgia.
“Amnesty By Any Other Name Is Still Amnesty!”
- By Allan E. Brown - Greenville, SC
After 26 years as a police officer for the city of Greenville, I retired to take a job as a Court Security Officer under authority of the U.S. Marshals Service—my primary responsibility being protection of federal judges, among other duties. In this capacity that I occasionally have the privilege of seeing lawful immigrants come to the Clement Haynesworth Federal Building to complete the final step on their “pathway to citizenship” in compliance with our immigration laws.
Smirking Schumer Believes Conservative Republicans are Stupid
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A smirking New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer on FOX News Sunday with his colleague Senator John McCain insulted every conservative Republican with his self-serving advice. Looking precisely like the cat that ate the canary, the mendacious liberal (Progressive) Democrat from New York advised the Republican House to support the Senate amnesty bill or sentence the Republican Party to minority status for the foreseeable future.
Knowledge of what the bill contains and an ounce of common sense and rational thinking proves precisely the opposite result. The bill passed by the Senate will create millions of new Democrat voters and doom the Republican Party for the next century while making the Democrats permanent rulers of a socialist state with no effective political opposition.
DONE, but not REALLY
- By Rep. Mike Burns
The General Assembly’s regular session for 2013 came to an end Thursday, June 13th. Thank goodness it’s a two year session because critical legislation was left unfinished. In January at the beginning of the 120th session there was optimism that great things could be accomplished. That hope was unfulfilled in this first year.
In my view, the House of Representatives did its part to move important legislation forward, but many of those bills bogged down in the State Senate primarily as a result of Democrat obstructionists and the Senate’s archaic rules that allow one Senator to block legislation.
Lindsey Graham Protest and Sign Wave
- By James "Chip" Moore
On Monday morning protesters stood outside of Senator Lindsey Graham’s office building atop the cobblestone in the heart of downtown. Feeling betrayed, protestors held signs against Graham’s recent comments.
Afraid of an expansive government, citizens feel that Graham’s comments on Verizon and the government go against his proposed small government beliefs.
Betty Poe Resigns as Chairman of Greenville County GOP
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Opportunity” will Preclude Continued Service As Party Chairman
The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee was caught by surprise on June 17 when they were informed by their popular second term chairman that she was resigning effective immediately.
The letter of resignation only hinted at the reason for the resignation.
An opportunity has arisen for me that you will hear about in much more detail in the next few weeks that will preclude me from serving in the capacity as a party chairman.
Dr. Bob Wood Honored by USAeroTech and FedEx
- By Press Release
Dr. Bob M. Wood, Executive Vice President Emeritus of Bob Jones University, was honored by USAeroTech and FedEx in a ceremony Wednesday at Greenville Downtown Airport. The ceremony was held in conjunction with the presentation of a 727 aircraft by FedEx to USAeroTech.
Large Donation for USAero Tech, GDA
- By James "Chip" Moore
The largest aircraft to ever land at the Greenville Downtown Airport was permanently grounded on June 19, 2013. The Boeing 727, donated by Fedex, will become an essential training tool for USAero Tech Institute’s professional aircraft maintenance students and staff. The donation of the aircraft is the first of its kind in South Carolina.
The local community was invited out to the new aviation themed children’s park as well as the USAero Tech training hangar to welcome in the new addition. Free Kona Shaved Ice was available at the park and tours were given inside the aircraft.
Amnesty: The Obama Third Wave
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Presidential candidate Obama informed his followers that: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” He promised that: “We will transform” America. Now we should know what he was talking about. During the past four years and a half, he has systematically dismantled portions of the free enterprise system, disregarded the Constitution, began the systematic destruction of the military, attacked Christianity and favored Islamic extremists and criminals at home and abroad.
During the next few weeks, the Obama administration and their allies will attempt to push through an “immigration reform” bill that will give the President an opening to allow those who entered the country illegally permission to vote in the next two critical elections. Eleven to thirty million more Democrat voters, strategically located, will give radical socialists total control of the United States Government and a license to implement fully the radical socialist agenda giving government bureaucrats total control of every aspect of American life.
County Dissolves Recreation District
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
City Residents Will Now Support County Parks and Recreation Facilities with Taxes
Greenville County Council voted Tuesday night to dissolve the county Recreation District board of directors and make the former district a department of Greenville County Government. The move was a surprise to most county residents. Greer city government representatives and residents streamed to the microphone during a public hearing at Greenville County Square to express their objections. Joe Baldwin, who represents Greer on County Council, was one of only two councilmen who voted against the measure that passed by a vote of 9 to 2 with Liz Seman absent from the meeting.
Cecil Buchanan Awarded Order of the Palmetto and War Museum Dedicated in His Honor
- By Gilbert Scales
Cecil Buchanan woke up Sunday morning knowing that The American Legion James F. Daniel, Jr. Post 3 would honor him by naming the War Museum for him. He did not know that he would also receive special recognition from the State of South Carolina.
Chuck Rouse, First Vice Commander, was the Master of Ceremonies for the War Museum Dedication Ceremony. Post 3 Commander Don Patterson welcomed everyone to Post 3 War Museum.
- Congressman Trey Gowdy Held Town Hall Meeting at Brusters on Wade Hampton
- Policy Council Seeking Financial Support to Expose Corruption in State Government
- Greenville County GOP Censured Former State GOP Chairman Chad Connelly
- We DO Have Some Problems Here
- Big Brother Obama Is Watching
- Discerning Good and Evil
- SAR Opens Library and Museum of Revolutionary War History
- Palmetto Boys’ State / Girls’ State Inauguration Day
- Evangelical “Leaders” Becoming Useful Tools of Amnesty Advocates
- Gang of Eight Betrays Americans
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