- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Delegation Hears Reason for Vietnamese-American Memorial Monument
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Upstate Vietnamese-American community and United States veterans of the Vietnam War have worked together for months to develop a concept and a scale model of an appropriate memorial to honor the American and Vietnamese military personnel who fought side-by-side in an effort to preserve the freedom of the Vietnamese people.
Factual history shows that although the military won the war, a weary United States Government abandoned the effort and the Vietnamese people to fend for themselves against an oppressive Communist regime.
Members of the Vietnamese military and others who worked with Americans along with family members were imprisoned in “reeducation” work camps until they proved their loyalty to the Communist regime or escaped by boat at sea or to an adjoining country.
Greenville County Pays Tribute to Veterans
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- By Tony A. Dunn
For Veterans, spouses and family members, Veterans Day brings back memories of comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice.
True Goodness Comes Only From God
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- By Winston McCuen - Ware Shoals, SC
A recent letter writer claimed that "People care about others and have high moral character outside of religion."
Several weeks ago another writer in the News claimed that people can have goodness without God. Both of these writers are dead wrong.
A person who is spiritually unregenerate is not able to not sin. This means that an unregenerate person sins continuously and without interruption in thought, word and deed. Therefore, a truly good thought, good word or good deed from that person is an impossibility. The motive behind every thought, word, and deed of such a person is always tainted by sin. But a person in the unregenerate state is often driven by sins like pride, vanity, and the like to appear good to others. But this supposed or apparent goodness is a mere farce or counterfeit, and the unbelieving and therefore unregenerate person who claims to be a good person is merely an impostor.
Given Another Chance
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
God has blessed America AGAIN! A majority of voters last week rejected the Socialist, Communist, Islamic policies of President Obama and the current anti-American destructive direction of the Democrat party.
The challenge now is for elected Republicans and the RNC to stand firm on the Constitution of the United States and lead the nation in the direction envisioned by the founders and demanded by the voters on November 4, 2014.
The election results and the severe beating given to Democrats have “pushed Obama in a corner” and made him irrelevant. His ego and the Democrat leadership cannot accept that and will become very confrontational. Their first initiative will be on amnesty for illegal immigrants, called “Immigration Reform.”
Judge Debora Faulkner Featured as Woodlawn Salutes Veterans
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Greenville County Probate Judge Debora Faulkner was featured speaker at the Woodlawn Memorial Park and Funeral Home Salute to Veterans, Sunday, November 9, 2014.
Judge Faulkner’s father was a decorated combat veteran of World War II, and she and her office have been very helpful assisting veterans with certain disabilities obtain proper care.
Judge Faulkner has served as Probate Judge for Greenville County for sixteen years and was just elected to another four-year term.
She is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of South Carolina and the USC School of Law. She has been a member in good standing of the South Carolina and Greenville County Bar since 1982 and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court and Federal District Court.
Eighty Thousand Voters Rejected Greenville County Sales Tax Increase
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Opposition Coalition Celebrated Victory with a Dinner of Chicken and Banana Pudding
Greenville County voters overwhelmingly rejected the “penny” sales tax increase planned and promoted by Greenville insiders and special interests.
The Greenville County Special Referendum received 41,982 votes in favor and 80,816 opposed – a virtual two to one margin. Fewer than a dozen precincts voted in favor of the tax hike. The precincts voting in favor were located in the city of Greenville.
There was a strong contrast between the Greenville City and the county voters. Slater Marietta voted more than three to one in opposition, while Skyland voters opposed the tax by a six to one margin (132 in favor and 789 opposed).
Piedmont, S.C. Native Serves with VAQ-132
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- By Navy Office of Community Outreach
OAK HARBOR, Wash. – A 2008 Woodmont High School graduate and Piedmont, S.C., native is serving with the U.S. Navy’s aviation Electronic Attack Squadron 132 (VAQ-132), also known as the “Scorpions.”
Petty Officer 2nd Class Lori Burcham is an aviation maintenance administrationman with VAQ-132, a Whidbey Island-based squadron that operates the Navy’s newest electronic warfare aircraft, the EA-18G Growler.
Burcham contributes to the squadron’s mission by working on the record keeping for the aircraft to ensure the jet is safe to fly.
Built to replace the EA-6B Prowler, the EA-18G Growler is a carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft and the cornerstone of the naval Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) mission. It’s platform is derived from the combat proven F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft, and adds a sophisticated electronic warfare suite that enables it to suppress enemy air defenses as well as electronic attack operations.
Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher Middle School Dedication
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- By Press Release
Hundreds of parents, students, administrators, community members, and business leaders turned out for the dedication ceremony for Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher Middle School, located at 700 Millennium Boulevard in the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research Park.
Former GCS Superintendent Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher, for whom the school is named, was the guest of honor. Dr. Fisher served Greenville County Schools from May, 2004 until April, 2012.
Republicans Can No Longer Blame Harry Reid for Failing to Repeal ObamaCare
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- By Jane M. Orient
The time for Republican self- congratulation is over, and the work needs to begin. It appears that the majority of the voting population recognizes that our country is in dire condition. Time is running out to fix it. Are Republicans going to work for our country, or just shift money around to different special interests?
It is not reassuring that some Republican Party strategists think they won because they purged controversial candidates who might make a campaign gaffe—and who might upset the ruling elite’s agenda if they got elected. Or that Democrats seem confident that Republicans will “work together” with them to continue the Progressive agenda—or else Obama will do it all by himself.
Election Fraud
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
By the time you read this piece, the 2014 General Election will be history. Your humble writer will admit that I was skeptical of the “rosy” predictions of a Republican landslide and takeover of the United States Senate in half-dozen close Senate races. The basis for my skepticism was the likelihood of widespread voter fraud.
Voter fraud supported by government officials at every level from county seat to the White House in Washington, D.C. is a major part of Democrat Party strategy. It has worked for them in the past and was certainly predictable in this election because of its importance to success of the Obama agenda.
While Democrats count on the “blind loyalty” of “African-American” voters, that may be shrinking because an increasing number of self-made black citizens are refusing to obediently serve the Democrat “slave-masters.” Their new “secret weapon” is “non-citizen” voters.
Oil Prices Plunge: U.S. “Fracking” Breaking Back of OPEC
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Crude oil prices have dropped from $105 to $80 per barrel and regular gasoline at the pump with 10 percent ethanol has dropped from more than $3.00 to less than $2.50 per gallon locally.
The reason for the price drop is not due to manipulation by the Obama Administration to make things look better before the election, The price drop has occurred despite Obama Administration energy policies.
Stephen Moore, chief economist for the Heritage Foundation, explains in a recent article
that originally appeared on FoxNews.com that “America has become in the last several years an energy producing powerhouse.”
Moore said the increase in energy production is not the result of the Obama “green energy” initiatives.
Mayor Honors Greenville Veteran
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- By Tony A. Dunn
City of Greenville Mayor Knox H. White recently presented a proclamation to Cecil D. Buchanan in honor of his many contributions to the City of Greenville. Buchanan has received the U.S. Congressional “Spirit of Freedom” Award, the Silver Crescent, American Legion Appreciation Medal, Legionnaire of the Year Award and Order of the Palmetto.
World War II and Korean War Veterans Visit Memorials
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- By Gilbert Scales
Tuesday morning, October 28th, the 13th Upstate Honor Flight with 100 World War II and Korean War veterans from North Carolina and South Carolina left Greenville-Spartanburg Airport for Washington, D.C.
Tour buses were waiting outside at Reagan National Airport Terminal to take the veterans and support staff to the different memorials.
The first stop was the World War II Memorial, dedicated in May 2004. After lunch, the veterans visited the Iwo Jima Memorial, which honors all U.S. Marines. The next stop was at the Korean War Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial.
Joseph Evan Davis 907 Children of the Confederacy October Meeting
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- By Pam Durham
The meeting of the Joseph Evan Davis 907 Children of the Confederacy Chapter was held Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014, on the beautiful front porch of the historic Ashtabula Plantation. Pam Durham, President of Winnie Davis 442 UDC began by installing the new 2014-2015 Chapter officers. Miss Allison Bolt, newly installed President, opened the meeting according to ritual then adjourned to tour the house. The children were joined by five members of the Winnie Davis 442 UDC chapter and three members of the 16th SCV Camp #36.
Fort Prince George Historic Marker Dedicated
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- By Bill Kivett
A new SC Historical Marker commemorating historic Fort Prince George was dedicated on October 18, 2014, in a ceremony led by officials of the Piedmont Chapter – National Society Daughters of the American Colonists. This Piedmont Chapter raised the funds and worked with the SC Dept. of Archives and History to get the marker approved, fabricated, and placed by Pickens County work crews at the entrance of Mile Creek Park near Six Mile, SC. Piedmont Chapter Regent Beth Sutton, Chapter Chaplain Nell Kivett, and State Regent and Chapter Historic Landmarks Chair Dianne Culbertson led the ceremony, which included an official unveiling of SC Historical Marker 39-17. Thirty-one people were in attendance on this bright fall afternoon, including Piedmont Chapter members, SCSDAR State Regent Dot Lind and members of the Fort Prince George DAR Chapter, as well as Pickens County Historical Society representatives.
Monteith Crowned Miss NGU 2015
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- By Press Release
Tigerville, SC – Megan Lindler, Miss North Greenville University 2014, passed her crown to Samantha Monteith from Pooler, GA at the 61st annual Miss NGU Pageant on Saturday, October 18 in Turner Chapel.
Monteith won a $1,000 scholarship and will compete next summer in the Miss South Carolina Pageant.
The first runner-up honor and talent award went to Miranda Gilbert from Chesnee, SC.
Blue Ridge High School Key Club Installs New Members
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- By Tasha Byrd
On Monday, October 27th 2014, a ceremony was held to officially install members of the first Key Club at Blue Ridge High School. Left to right: Hunter Griffin - 11th grade, Grant Witham - 12th grade, Savannah Shoaf - 12th grade, Jennifer Nagy - 12th grade, and John Helfrich - Kiwanis Club of Greer.
Memorial Service for Real Daughter of the Confederacy
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- By Pam Evans
A memorial service for Mattie Clyburn Rice, a Real Daughter of the Confederacy, was held at Hillcrest Cemetery, Monroe, North Carolina, on Saturday, October 18, 2014. The following excerpts from the program from the memorial service tell this amazing story:
A real daughter of the Confederacy, Mattie Clyburn Rice, known as “Ms. Mattie” to many who knew her, made her journey home on September 1st, 2014, to be with our Father in Heaven. She was a gracious Southern woman who meant so much to everyone who had the blessing of meeting her. She was born in Marshville, North Carolina, on September 15, 1922, and she leaves behind an astonishing story and historical legacy.
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
This is the last time this column will appear before the 2014 Mid-term General Election on November 4. Although this column has a lot to say about issues and elections, it does not endorse candidates. Therefore, in the words of Archie Bunker, I will “stifle myself,” and refrain from endorsing a candidate by name and pray that you will make sound decisions based on truth. This is the most important election in our lifetime. If President Obama is allowed to give “amnesty” to millions of illegal aliens after the election, no Republican or conservative of any stripe will ever again win a national election. The makeup of the next Congress could resist that event.
Republicans Need Tools for 2014 Victory
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- By Phyllis Schlafy
Although the midterm elections are still two weeks away, about two million Americans have already voted. The circus of early and mail-in voting undermines the federal law which provides: “The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, in every even numbered year, is established as the day for the election.”
I Voted
When our national elections were held on one unifying day, discussions and debates could continue among family, neighbors and the media up until the day that virtually everyone voted. The one and only debate between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter occurred only a week before Election Day in 1980, with the candidates tied in the polls while a television audience of perhaps 120 million people watched.
“A Light Unto the Nations”
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
We have been writing about the wars in Israel - the bombings, the rockets, the tunnels and the human shields in Gaza, not to mention the anxiety and political intrigue in Israel. But one important topic seems to be getting lost in the shuffle - the remarkable nature of the people of Israel. Take a close look at Israel’s people, and the little Jewish country there in the Middle East is as the Bible says it is - “a Light Unto the Nations.”
After 2,000 years of exile, during which time only a remnant had the privilege to live in the homeland of Israel, although under difficult conditions, the Jewish people have now come home from the four corners of the earth. Two thousand years of dwelling in other people’s lands led to an enormous ethnic, religious and cultural diversity in today’s Israel, often leading to serious internal conflicts on issues such as the military draft, acceptable social norms, and developing a constitution that could be made acceptable to all.
Mayor's Daughter “Denied Drivers License for Having two Moms”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Mayor of Houston in Battle with Christian Pastors over First Amendment Rights
While Christian Pastors of Houston, Texas, are rallying against Mayor Annise Parker for violating their First Amendment rights, the mayor is complaining that the State Department of Public Safety is discriminating against her daughter for “having two moms.”
The mayor has lived with her same-sex partner for 23 years. They obtained their marriage license in California and have three children. Texas does not recognize same-sex marriage.
The Mayor’s complaint in an alleged Twitter message was premature. The daughter simply did not provide all of the necessary paperwork to qualify for a drivers test, a Texas Public Safety official told the Huffington Post.
Boys Home of the South Becomes Trail Life USA
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- By Gilbert Scales
Friday, October 24, more than 200 Trailmen members of Trial Life USA assembled on the grounds of “Camp Aiken,” formerly the “Boys Home of the South” property, for the first-ever South Carolina Upstate area-organized event at “Camp Aiken.” Eight church-sponsored troops participated in the event.
The Trailmen and Leaders camped out in multicolored tents in the camp ground area, Friday and Saturday nights.
Saturday morning, the campers were up before 7 a.m. to eat breakfast, so they could attend the “flag raising ceremony.”
American Legion Post 3 Color Guard performed the “flag raising ceremony” as the Bugler played “Reveille.”
If You Want to Keep Your Doctor, Change the Senate
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- By Jane M. Orient
My favorite bumper sticker for this campaign season is “Keep your doctor, change your senator.”
Monica Wehby, M.D., pediatric neurosurgeon, is trying to unseat a one-term Democrat in Oregon. Dr. Wehby has been very active in the American Medical Association, trying to change its pro-ObamaCare stance.
She is one of five women physicians running for Congress. Alieta Eck, M.D., an internist, is running for the House of Representatives in New Jersey. She is a past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Nan Hayworth, M.D., an ophthalmologist, is running for the House in New York, Annette Teijeiro, M.D., an anesthesiologist, is running in Nevada, and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D., an ophthalmologist, in Iowa. All are Republicans, and all are critical of ObamaCare.
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Truth comes from our Creator. His Word informs us that it is “truth” that sets men free. Freedom and liberty cannot for long survive in the absence of truth. Tragically, truth has become a casualty of liberalism and political correctness in the United States; therefore citizens of the United States are losing their freedom and liberty daily. The trend is growing worse, not better.
For decades children have been conditioned to lie when they think it is “necessary” to protect themselves or someone else. They are conditioned to accept, repeat and support lies if they are intended to promote someone’s vision of the “common good.” We have now reached a point in time when it is a common belief that everyone lies and it is unacceptable only when the liars get caught and are unable to lie themselves out of it. So many people in publicly visible positions are getting caught lying that this has led to liars telling more lies to cover up exposed lies.
Advocates no-show for Sales Tax Increase Hearing
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Opponents Use their Time to Correct Falsehoods
The Greenville County Election Commission held a public hearing on the proposed sales tax increase referendum. Only Bob Knight, the advocate’s lead spokesman, was in the back of the room but did not speak on behalf of the tax increase.
At least two dozen opponents were present and 10 speakers were allowed three minutes each to express their views. Each side was allowed 30 minutes. Valerie Wade from Greer was first to speak.
“We have been mislead by the advocates of this sales tax increase,” she said. “Some of us received a mailing saying that food and medicine are exempt from the increase in sales tax. Now County Council has admitted this to be false.
Orders Prepared for Millions of Green Cards for Amnesty Surge
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Estimated 34 Million Cards Needed – with 4 to 9 Million cards needed per year if Obama Plan Succeeds
The U.K.’s Mail Online reported Monday that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published a draft solicitation for immigration ID cards in anticipation of a surge in immigrants. The report was relayed by Breitbart.
The proposal anticipates a need for a minimum of 4 million cards to be issued by 2016. It is estimated that as many as 34 million cards will be printed before the surge of immigrants levels off. President Obama has promised the pro-amnesty lobby that he will issue Green Cards to the illegal aliens already here if the congress does not act to do so after the General Election on November 4, 2014.
- Wings of Freedom Returns to Greenville
- If You Want to Live, Ignore the CDC
- Halloween Masks
- A Legendary Conservative Voice is Silent
- Russ Cassell, 1954-2014
- Controversy Rages over Sales Tax on Food in Greenville County
- Oliver Thompson Chapter 1850, UDC Holds Memorial Service in Honor of 90th Anniversary
- Tennessee Valley Railroad Steam Excursions
- Hello?! Secret Service!
- Terror of Ebola
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