- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Wings of Freedom Returns to Greenville
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- By Gilbert Scales
Friday afternoon, three famous World War II aircraft flew into Greenville and landed at the Greenville Downtown Airport as part of the “Wings of Freedom” Program.
The first planes to land were the P-51 Mustang and the B-17 “Flying Fortress,” and the B-24 “Liberator” landed shortly afterward.
During WWII, the B-24 carried a ten-man crew consisting of a pilot, co-pilot, navigator, radio operator, nose gunner, engineer/turret gunner, ball turret gunner, the belt-fed .50 cal. waist gunners (Browning Flexible Machine Gun) one on each side of the aircraft, and the tail gunner.
If You Want to Live, Ignore the CDC
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- By Richard Amerling
I almost feel sorry for Tom Frieden, director of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). So many of his pronouncements have been eviscerated by events within hours or days. He has become a punchline and should resign for the good of the country.
Unfortunately, the Ebola crisis is no joke. Two Dallas nurses (who are special people in my book) have now become infected after taking care of an Ebola-infected patient who illegally flew to the U.S. when he knew he had been heavily exposed to the deadly virus.
A Legendary Conservative Voice is Silent
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Palmetto State has lost a legendary conservative radio voice. Russ Cassell was, in my view, the most influential conservative Christian in the state, with a large and growing loyal audience. He was an unapologetic Southern Gentleman. He refused to be politically correct, knew “what he believed and why he believed it” and urged others to do the same. What made Russ different, in my view, was that he was an uncompromising Christian, working and communicating effectively in an industry and community that has increasingly placed their faith in man and pushed God to the “back of the bus.” He did his homework and was prepared to hold his own on any subject that arose.
Russ was a native of the Upstate and a walking encyclopedia of institutional memory of people and events that transpired since his school days at Wade Hampton High School. He was a great teacher of newcomers who were learning to blend into the local culture. He welcomed and made friends with newcomers to the area, but had little patients with those who would make Greenville a little Boston by advocating the very same policies that caused them to move south.
Russ Cassell, 1954-2014
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- By Press Release
Russ Cassell, 60, loving husband of 35 years to Robbie Cassell, of Greenville, SC, died peacefully at his home, Saturday, October 11, 2014.
Born July 21, 1954, he was a son of Helen B. Cassell of Simpsonville, SC and Thomas A. Cassell of Cleveland, SC.
Russ was most proud of his family, faith, and finding his calling in radio broadcasting. An upstate native, Cassell was host of "The Russ Cassell Show," a popular weekday morning talk show on WORD-FM, where he worked for the past 20 years. He recently celebrated 40 years of working in radio, his first gig being as a student at Clemson University's radio station, WSBF. He then went on to work as a disc jockey and radio host at WQOK and WFBC. He became the voice of Clemson's Tiger Tailgate Show, which he hosted from 1981 until 1992. Russ took pride in his community service over several decades. He served as SC Vice President for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and Chairman of the March of Dimes Walk America. He donated his time and support to the Ronald McDonald House, the Children's Miracle Network, and the Children's Hospital of the Greenville Health System.
Controversy Rages over Sales Tax on Food in Greenville County
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Few Residents Knew About the “Public Hearing” on Sales Tax Increase Referendum
Advocates of an increase in the Greenville County Sales tax are embarrassed and angry. Both the special interest tax advocates and members of County Council were stunned by the revelation by the South Carolina Tax Commission last week that the Sales tax referendum on the ballot in November, if passed, would include a 1 cent tax on food.
Joshua Cook of “NoTax Hike
SC.com” informed The Times Examiner, Monday, Oct. 6, that he had confirmed that the sales tax proposal would include food.
Oliver Thompson Chapter 1850, UDC Holds Memorial Service in Honor of 90th Anniversary
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- By Pam Evans
Oliver Thompson Chapter 1850, UDC, held a Memorial Service on Saturday, September 20, 2014, at Fairview Presbyterian Church, in Fountain Inn, South Carolina, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the chapter. Before the service, charter members of the Caroline S. Coleman Chapter 537, Children of the Confederacy, placed flags on the graves of 51 Confederate soldiers buried in the cemetery. Some of the children passed out programs for the service. Carol Leake, Oliver Thompson Chapter President, called the meeting to order and welcomed all those in attendance.
Tennessee Valley Railroad Steam Excursions
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- By Marlene Dowd
On Saturday, October 4, on a beautiful fall day, my wife and I took a trip on the Summerville Steam Special, which runs each Saturday in the month of October. We rode on Steam Locomotive 4501 (2-8-2) built in 1911 by the Baldwin Locomotive Works. The engine has been restored to its original condition and is the flagship steam engine of the railroad. The TVRR owns three steam engines: 610, 630 and 4501.
We departed the Chattanooga railroad station on a 9-hour round trip ride to Summerville, GA, passing by diverse scenery including the Chickamauga Civil War Battlefield where the Confederates had been successful. On the way to Summerville, we dined in a restored 1922 dining car and had an excellent lunch. The staff, conductors, and crewmen were extremely hospitable and informative. The train consisted of a variety of restored old rolling stock. Our particular car, a Pullman built in 1922, was in excellent condition. The railroad operates many diverse train rides on the main line.
Terror of Ebola
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
What would strike more terror in your heart, exposure to the deadly Ebola virus, or a crazed Islamic radical with a knife at your throat? You could rationalize that the knife of the radical would result in swift death and the virus would result in long agonizing suffering with a chance for survival. The frightening truth is that any American could face either situation. Both situations would create intense fear and terror in the victim and potential victims. The goal of terrorists is the spread of terror. It is not known whether terrorists are using Ebola as a weapon, but they could easily do so.
Sales Tax Advocates Accused of Misleading Uninformed Voters
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
All Sales Tax Money Will not be Spent in Greenville County and 95% of the $673 million will not be used to fix Roads and Bridges
Opponents of the largest tax increase in the history of Greenville County government are attempting to correct the misinformation they say advocates of the tax are including in pro-tax brochures.
A one cent increase in the current sales tax in Greenville County would be an increase of 17 percent. This is a substantial additional cost for an individual or family on a fixed income.
A pro-tax brochure “paid for by the SC Association of Realtors” states that “there will be a lot of information and misinformation about this issue. They proceed to answer questions and make statements that are misleading or incorrect.
Are food and medicine exempt from the 1cent sales tax increase?
Landrum Student Wins Basketball Appeal
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Andrew Mitchell, a home schooled student from northern Spartanburg County, will continue to play basketball with the Landrum High School Cardinals basketball team.
The SC High School League Athletics Appeals Panel voted 4 to 2 to overrule a decision by the league Executive Director prohibiting Mitchell from continuing to play with the Landrum team after his parents moved into the Chapman High School Transportation Zone.
Do You Really Know American History?
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- By Mike Scruggs
Maryland, My Maryland!
Following the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter at Charleston on April 9, 1861, Lincoln ordered Governors of the remaining Union states to call up their state militias and supply an army of 75,000 to invade and subdue the seven Southern states that had seceded. While this was received enthusiastically in many Northern States, the Border States viewed this order as a tyranny they would not follow. Consequently, the border states of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Arkansas seceded and secession efforts were underway in Missouri and Kentucky. The order was likewise not well received in Maryland.
Greenville Tax Hike is Another Dead End to Fixing Our Road Woes
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- By Joshua Cook - Travelers Rest, SC
After canvassing Greenville County residents last week, one thing is for certain: No one wants, or can afford, to pay more taxes.
One senior Greenville County resident told me that he already struggles to pay for his new heart medication and that being on a fixed income means either buying less or going without his medication. A tax increase on top of that would cause serious harm to his already strapped bottom line.
But it could happen. If passed, the tax hike will raise $673,193,630 in sales tax revenue over 8 years. According to County Councilman Willis Meadow, it will cost an average family about $300 per year.
The Last Free Election in the USA?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The 2014 General Election is just four weeks away. It is probably the most important Congressional election in our lifetime – and it could be the last free election unless American voters wake-up, become informed, seek truth and take their country back by electing candidates with high moral and ethical standards and insisting that they live up to their oath of office and execute their duties in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.
Politicians, even good ones, and political parties cannot solve the problems of this country and world. They have made too much of a mess out of it already. If our republic is to survive the current situation, individuals must become informed, armed with truth and actively involved in seeking divine intervention.
Republican Women Pass Resolution to Oppose County Sales Tax Increase
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Greenville Republican Women’s Club unanimously passed a Resolution to oppose the “Greenville County Special Sales and Use Tax” referendum question on the ballot November 4, 2014. The referendum is for a one-percent increase in the County Sales Tax.
The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, The Referendum calls for the collection of $673,193,630 in sales taxes from the citizens of Greenville County, which is the largest tax increase in Greenville County history;
President Promises Amnesty to Illegal Aliens Who Join Military
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
New Policy will Allow up to 1,500 Illegal Aliens to Join Military and Become Citizens this Year
As many as 1,500 undocumented immigrants (illegal aliens) will be given amnesty in exchange for joining the United States military due to an executive amnesty order announced by President Obama Thursday, September 25, according to reports by usatoday.com and Numbers USA.
President Obama had promised to offer amnesty to an unspecified number of individuals who had entered the United States illegally by the end of summer, however, he delayed the action until after the election for obvious political reasons. Democrat congressional candidates in tightly contested races were afraid the action would result in their defeat at the polls.
By delaying blanket amnesty for undocumented individuals who have entered the country illegally until after the election, Democrats apparently believe voters are too stupid, uninformed or misinformed to hold them accountable at the polls based on what is to come.
Harrell Indictments Open Door to Changing SC Government
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Next Speaker Must Clean House.” - Ashley Landess, President, SC Policy Council
Ashley Landess came to Greenville Friday to thank the RINO Hunt faithful for their support of South Carolina Policy Council efforts to ensure that ethics charges against the House Speaker were not dismissed by judges who owe their appointment to Speaker Bobby Harrell and his colleagues.
Landess said the work of removing corruption from South Carolina government has only just begun.
Candidates to replace Harrell as speaker “must promise to get rid of all Harrell appointees,” Landess said. “We need all House members to feel the pressure,” she concluded.
One of the examples of alleged abuses is the appointment by Harrell of his brother to serve on the Judicial Merit Selection Board that screens judge candidates. Only candidates approved by the board may be considered by the Legislature.
ISIS vs ISIL: What is the Difference?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
You no doubt see a “red flag” when President Barack Hussein Obama states emphatically that members of the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), who routinely behead individuals who refuse to convert to Islam, are not Islamic.
You may have noticed, also, that Obama and his spokesmen in the State and Defense Departments and elsewhere do not use the term ISIS. They routinely change the name of the organization and talk about the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) without making a distinction or giving an explanation. Why would they so blatantly do such a thing?
By doing a little research, I found that “the geographical term ‘Levant’ refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s a land bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south. If you look at a map, however, in the near exact middle of the nations that comprise the Levant,” you will see Israel.
Multiculturalism Is a Failure
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- By Walter Williams
German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that in Germany, multiculturalism has "utterly failed." Both Australia's ex-prime minister John Howard and Spain's ex-prime minister Jose Maria Aznar reached the same conclusion about multiculturalism in their countries. British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned that multiculturalism is fostering extremist ideology and directly contributing to homegrown Islamic terrorism. UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage said the United Kingdom's push for multiculturalism has not united Britons but pushed them apart. It has allowed for Islam to emerge despite Britain's Judeo-Christian culture. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the roots of violent Islamism are not "superficial but deep" and can be found "in the extremist minority that now, in every European city, preach hatred of the West and our way of life."
Who Will be the Next Speaker of the SC House?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Three top Contenders from Midlands and Low-country
Former South Carolina Speaker of the House of Representatives, Bobby Harrell, who suspended himself both as Speaker and as a member of the House due to indictment on multiple ethics charges, is an unlikely candidate to replace himself as Speaker.
Ashley Landess, president of the South Carolina Policy Council, and a key participant in exposing ethics violations that led to ethics charges against Harrell, listed three House leaders she believes are contenders to replace Harrell as Speaker. The position is believed by many to be the most powerful position in S.C. Government. Landess was guest speaker at the RINO Hunt meeting Friday night in Greenville.
James Howle ‘Jay” Lucas, current Speaker Pro Tempore, is the current acting Speaker and a likely front runner for Speaker.
Scout Takes Notes at Council Meeting
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Scout Mason Howell, a member of Prince of Peace Troop 925 attended the September 16 meeting of Greenville County Council as part of the requirement to earn a Communications Badge. His mother Kathy Howell and Grandfather Bill Kivett accompanied him.
Gowdy Opening Statement at Benghazi Select Committee Hearing 1
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- By Press Release
Gowdy: A little over two years ago, four Americans were killed serving our country in Benghazi, Libya. Two were killed when a facility emblematic of our country was set on fire. Two were killed because they dared to fight back and defend themselves and others. Sean Smith, Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty represented us. They represented our country and our values. We sent them to do that. They were killed in an attack rooted in the animus some people hold toward us, simply because we are us.
To the family, friends, and loved ones of those killed, we can never adequately express our condolences and gratitude. As you have helped us understand, the four killed were more than just pictures on a TV screen. They were sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, and friends. And they were our fellow Americans.
Woodruff Flag Rally
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
On September 11, the anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, students at Wood-ruff High School displayed flags from their vehicles.
In accordance with a district policy, apparently designed to prevent the display of Confederate Battle Flags, the high school principal removed U. S. flags from the vehicles resulting in complaints to WORD Talk Radio’s Russ Cassell Show.
The Battle for National Sovereignty
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- By Mike Scruggs
According to recent Washington Post/ABC, Rasmussen, and IBD/TIPP polls, President Obama’s weakest policy vulnerability is immigration. Americans have never favored illegal immigration, amnesty, or bringing in so many immigrant workers that it hurt American wages and job prospects, but the leadership of both parties have suppressed full discussion of immigration issues for at least two decades. This has worked out well for the Democrats. In fact, it is a major part of the reason Barack Obama is President. Illegal immigration has been a major problem since 1965, but it accelerated after the 1986 amnesty, and especially after Republican President George W. Bush embraced the idea in 2001 that amnesty would convert Hispanic and Asian illegal immigrants into “natural Republicans.” A little homework on immigration issues would have prevented what the American public now believes are two of our biggest problems: illegal immigration and too much legal immigration. But most politicians don’t like homework. They like big campaign donations and acclaim by the liberal press. So Congress passes momentous legislative disasters without even reading them, much less thinking a couple steps ahead about their consequences. However, good government and sound immigration policy require honest homework and principled dedication to the best interests of all Americans.
Is There A Provider In The House?
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- By Marilyn Singleton
Physicians have a proud heritage. We can boast Dr. Benjamin Rush, a founding father, signer of the Declaration of Independence, Surgeon General of the Continental Army, and opponent of slavery. And Dr. James Derham, born a slave in 1762, who grew a successful practice that included freeman and slaves.
We have modern-day sources of pride in Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan, a world expert in the care of viral hemorrhagic fevers, Dr. Abrahim Borbor, and Dr. Sahr Rogers. All three died while fighting to save the lives of patients with Ebola Virus Disease.
Semantic Secrets of Deception
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Semantics, secrecy and deception are key elements of the Obama regime’s strategy to fundamentally change the United States of America from a constitutional republic to a leftist, one-world, Islamic dictatorship. When candidate Obama said, “We are the ones we have been waiting for,” and “We will fundamentally change America,” the cult of Saul Alinsky Marxists, Bill Ayers and Islamic terrorists knew what he was saying. It was a message to them to join the Obama team, seize power and use the power and finances of government to destroy the country they hate and have been trying openly to destroy since the 1960s and before.
This was one of the first uses of Semantics by Obama to use different meanings and interpretations of words, phrases or sentences to communicate different messages to different people. Use of semantics is now a routine daily practice of Obama and his minions – and, not unlike the Delphi Technique, it continues to work on target groups.
Lisa Benson Warns Bible Belt of Certain Terror Threat
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Radio talk show host Lisa Benson spent September 11, 2014, in Greenville, South Carolina. Benson is concerned that radical Islamic factions are establishing a prominent presence in the Bible Belt and the local residents don’t even know it.
She had lunch with a group of conservative women , taped a television interview with Peggy Denny, host of the Peggy Denny Show, the longest running program on WGGS TV- 16 in Greenville. The day concluded with a Tribute to September 11 Victims, First Responders and Veterans at the Zen, sponsored by the Greenville Tea Party.
Bubbling with energy behind a strong personality, Lisa Benson is one of few radio voices warning the American people about the immediate dangers within our borders from Islamic terrorists.
- Organized Opposition to 17 Percent Sales Tax Hike Growing
- Thirteen Hours
- Muslim Refugees to Flood United States
- Snow Campaign Chapter, NSDAR, Holds Meeting in Observance of Constitution Week
- Winnie Davis 442 UDC Chapter Meeting and Awards Ceremony
- Obama’s Islamic Fantasyland
- Common Core: Price We Pay for Taking Federal Funds
- Most Dangerous Days of our Lives
- As If Common Core Weren't Bad Enough, Now We Have Anti-American AP US History!
- War Is Hell! South Carolina Summers Are Hot!
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