- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- An Open Letter to Vladimir Putin and the Russian People - Revisited
- Run Toward the Battle
- SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- South Carolina Poised to Oppose RFK Jr’s Health Policy with New Appointment
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Celebrate with Greenville County Republican Women
- Oreshnik Hypersonic Russian Missile Strikes Ukraine
Comparing Leadership and Character
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- By Frank Hall - Greenville, SC
In the 10th chapter of lst Samuel we are told about the anointing of Saul, the son of Kish, to be the first King over the Children of Israel. Saul is very tall, strong, handsome, and athletic but somewhat lacking in character. God had Samuel, the prophet and High Priest, choose Saul because it was likely that no other candidate could receive the approval of a majority of the population. God often gives people the leadership they deserve rather than the leadership that would be best.
In the 11th chapter we see King Saul’s first major test of his character. Ammonite King Nahash decided to conquer Jabesh-Gilead, a city in King Saul’s country. In those days when a king conquered a city it was customary to kill all the able-bodied men so the city would stay conquered and could not engineer a coup d’ etat. The men of the city made a proposal to King Nahash: let us live and we will be your slaves. Nahash replied, “If I agree to that I will put out the right eyes of all your men. (I guess Nahash thought men with only one eye would not be very dangerous soldiers.) The men of Jabesh-Gilead asked for a week to think this over and to discuss other options. Then they sent word to King Saul to please come and rescue them.
Last Chance for the GOP
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Republican “Grand Old Party” has a historic chance to prove it’s worth and lead the United States of America back to it’s roots as a constitutional republic. We begin 2015 with a large Republican majority in both the US House and Senate. If the Republican Lawmakers have the will to do so, they can take the initiative from President Obama. They can demonstrate to the American people precisely who this man Obama really is and what his plan is for undermining the Constitution of the United States and destroying the free enterprise system and Western Judeo-Christian values that have made our nation great. No Republican presidential candidate has had the courage to do that in the previous two election campaigns, consequently Republicans must share the blame for the current problems created by Obama.
Viguerie: GOP is a House Divided, Boehner Must Go to Unite GOP
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- By Christian NewsWire
MANASSAS, Va. -- Christian Newswire -- Richard A. Viguerie, conservative direct marketing pioneer and author of "TAKEOVER, The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It," states the following:
"Speaker of the House John Boehner epitomizes everything that is wrong with the principle-free Capitol Hill Republican leadership.
"The Bible and Lincoln tell us that a house divided cannot stand. During his tenure as Speaker, John Boehner has divided the Republican Party like it hasn't been divided since Progressives bolted the GOP over 100 years ago. The only thing that will reunite Republicans is new leadership on Capitol Hill.
Five Council Members Installed
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Five members of Greenville County Council were installed Monday, January 5, for a four-year term, in Council Chambers at Greenville County Square. Four of the Council members were incumbents and one, Lynn Ballard, was installed for a first term representing District 26.
Joe Dill, District 17; Willis Meadows, District 19; Xanthene Norris, District 23; Lynn Ballard, District 26 and Fred Payne, District 28 were administered their oath of office by Chief Deputy Magistrate Leila Foster.
“Death Panels” Before Supreme Court
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Remember the discussion of “Death Panels” when Obama and the Democrats were passing and implementing Obamacare? Members of Congress claimed to have removed the provisions from the law. Others denied the provision was in the law. They simply moved it around and changed the name. The “Death Panel” is now called the Independent Payment Advisory Board or IPAB.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin gave the name to the panel more than 5-years ago. She was ridiculed. It is now reality and most people don’t know what is happening.
WND reported that the Supreme Court has ordered the Administration to respond to a lawsuit brought by the Goldwater Institute that challenges the constitutionality of Obamacare. The Court has directed the Administration to present its case in support of IPAB by January 21, 2015.
Fewest Military Veterans in Congress since Before WWII
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Only 19 percent of 114th Congress have ever served in Uniform
The 114th Congress that will be sworn in just a few days from now will have the smallest number of military veterans of any Congress since before World War II.
Military experience in the Congress peaked at almost 80 percent in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Since that time, the percentage of Congressmen with military experience has dropped drastically and leveled off at about 20 percent since 2013.
The number of military veterans serving in the senate during the 114th Congress will increase from 19 to 20 and the number of military veterans serving in the House will decrease from 87 to 81.
The Late Gov. Edwards with Wife and Other Governors
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- By Press Release
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Governor Nikki Haley today issued the following statement in response to the news that former Governor James B. Edwards has passed away:
"As someone who appreciated the opportunities and challenges of this office, Governor Edwards always offered kind words of support and encouragement - and we are forever grateful for his friendship. Michael and I are deeply saddened by the passing of Governor Edwards, whose love for South Carolina inspired him to serve until his last day, and we are praying for the Edwards family during this difficult time."
Communist Involved in Anti-Police Riots
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The First Signs to Show up in Ferguson Were Sponsored by the “Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”
Communism is alive and well in the United States and playing a significant role in the recent anti-police riots and other efforts to destroy the republic.
Don’t expect to learn this from the liberal media, because they want us to think that Communism is history, a thing of the past. Thanks to the internet, the Communists are able to recruit, spread their propaganda and boast of their achievements. Since they do it openly, it is there for all who will see to know what they are doing.
“Obama-nation” Is At It Again
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- By David Thompson
Let’s call it “The Peanuts Rule.” Charles Schulz long running comic strip “Peanuts” features a number of characters, Charlie Brown and his nemesis Lucy among them. My least favorite story line was how gullible young Charlie always was to think that Lucy would alter her behavior, especially in pulling back the football. Really, how many times do one’s expectations go unfulfilled before a change in tactics gets implemented? Sorry, but the truth is that “Obama-nation” is also known as “slow-learners-R-us.”
Then again, rather than vilify the Lucy’s in your life perhaps she should serve as a cautionary tale for the naïve among us. Yes, let’s develop that story line a bit and realize we can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Ronald Reagan, as he usually did, had it right when he said, “Trust, but verify.”
White House Opposes Grand Jury Nullification
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- By Edward D. Sloan, Jr.
For centuries, criminal trial juries, petit juries, despite the clear black letters of the law and the evidence that they hear and see, have voted to find accused persons, doubtfully innocent, to be not guilty, allowing them to go free. This is jury nullification. For centuries, legislators and jurists have uniformly rightly criticized jury nullification and wrung their hands without finding a way to stop it; persistent victory of human nature over rational thinking.
Grand juries also nullify the law. Recent grand juries, in Missouri and New York, have not indicted law enforcement officers who committed a homicide. Many people view those failures as unjustified. Most states have laws tolerating homicide in specific circumstances. Without saying so in clear language, they criticize those grand jtuies for exercising jury nullification. Perhaps that criticism is justified. If so, how can a state nullify human nature?
The Greatest Gift!
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
Little Texas!
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Country” Hawkins, honorableMayor of Little Texas, was identified last week as hailing from Little Chicago. It was an error. He has never been there. He was ridiculed and we were embarrassed. To show our remorse we are providing a free tour of Little Chicago. There are two means of travel: Go to Gowensville and turn right or go to Holly Springs and turn left.
American Police Under Siege
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Federal Officials Violating Constitution, Meddling in Local Affairs and with the aid of “Race Baters” Undermining Law Enforcement
American police are under siege. They are being targeted by a number of lawless gangs and “lone wolf” murderers. The critical situation came into focus last Saturday when an alleged gang member, with a long police record, traveled from Georgia to Baltimore and shot his former girlfriend before boasting that he was going to New York to kill cops.
About 3 pm. he shot and killed two New York policemen while they were sitting in their marked police car in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. The killer was later identified as Ismaaiyl Brinsley. He killed himself a few minutes later on a crowded Brooklyn subway platform.
A Taste of Anarchy and It Was Ugly
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- By Vivian Bradburn - Union, SC
The lawlessness we have witnessed in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, and New York, is not about justice being done, nor about fairness of the law. Far from it. lt was about young black men who believe that affronting the law is cool and macho. What happened in Ferguson was tragic, and avoidable.
Whether Michael Brown was a teenager, or unarmed, is irrelevant. He had only to step upon the sidewalk and keep walking, as the officer asked him to. There was nothing intimidating or unmanly about that request, but when he chose to confront the officer, he confronted the law, and he took it a step too far. At eighteen years old, he knew the law. He was no innocent child, as the media tried to picture him, and he was far from helpless. As a result, the country and the rest of the world have watched the sickening demonstrations of rioting and burning, and irrational displays of hate, and disrespect for the law. Blame has been heaped upon the officer who was doing his job, and defending himself (officers still have that right).
The Dangerous Years
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
As a student of and a participant in a brief segment of Military History, it is my deeply held view that the next two years may be the most precarious and dangerous years the American people have faced since the 1860s, or maybe ever. The sad and tragic aspect of our situation is that we have brought it on ourselves by deliberate actions or through naïve ignorance.
Call me old-fashioned or a fanatic or whatever you choose, but in my view, most of us and all of our elected officials are looking for solutions in all the wrong places. Political parties and liberal judges don’t have the solutions. Before you can find a solution, you must define the problem. Our current national leaders can’t even bring themselves to call terrorists and known enemies by the right names. How can they be trusted to find workable solutions in our national interest?
Durocher Family Band Bring Bluegrass/Gospel Ministry to S.C.
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- By Jeff West
The Durocher Family Band recently blessed South Carolina with their music ministry. The Durocher Family is a family band led by Paul and Judy Durocher, parents of twelve homeschooled children, nine of whom compose their bluegrass/gospel band. Together all eleven of them travel around the country in a motorhome, performing their music and spreading the gospel. They also present a ministry through their example of being homeschooled. The Durochers recently played at Rev. E. Ray Moore’s Exodus Mandate ministry banquet, and later at Rev. Moore’s church in Columbia. The Durocher Family is extremely talented, playing a mixture of predominantly Christian songs, some originals which they have written and arranged, along with traditional bluegrass standards. They have wonderful harmonies and instrumentation, blending banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar, bass and cello to produce beautiful music praising God.
GOP Suicide: Amnesty Now, Gun Control Next, Gone in 2016
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- By Mike Scruggs
“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”
The origin of the quotation, “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad” is ancient and unknown. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has Prometheus say the words in his poem, The Masque of Pandora. Because it has the meter and theme common to ancient Greek tragedies, it was once attributed to Euripides (480-406 BC). However, very similar quotations appear to be even more ancient. A common ancient variation attributes a man’s destruction to foolishness, especially in the sense of moral blindness, confused judgment, or willful rejection of self-evident truth. Several Biblical passages have this theme. Romans 1:22 says it plainest of all: “Claiming to be wise, they became fools.”
Christmas in Dixie: Act II
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Lucy Allen and Marshall Goers were the featured musicians for Christmas in Dixie Act II. The couple are professional musicians and reside in Mauldin.
Allen was featured on the guitar and vocals. A native of Maryland, Allen holds a Ph.D. in folklore, took voice lessons and began playing guitar as an adolescent.
Marshall Goers played the guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, accordion and dulcimer. He began taking accordion lessons at age nine in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. His family moved to Kentucky where he became acquainted with Bluegrass. He studied piano and played some trombone.
Fireworks Under the Big Tent
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Has the Republican Party declared war on Republicans? The first shots were fired during the last Republican National Convention, when obvious dirty tricks were played on key conservative delegates at critical times and during critical votes. Some were delayed from entering the convention floor. Others were kept on buses and not allowed to exit. It was the beginning of top down direction of the GOP. It is nothing new. The RNC is not being creative, they are simply copying the unethical practices of the liberal Democrats, and tragically, for the party and the republic, they have recruited “willful idiots” to support their agenda at the state and county level across the “fruited plane.”
In January, the United States Senate will have 54 members that call themselves Republicans. The House of Representatives will have a larger majority of members calling themselves Republicans than the current membership.
Council Pledges Help in Locating Vietnam War Memorial
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Greenville County Council has promised to help find a suitable location for the proposed memorial honoring American and Vietnamese veterans of the Vietnam War.
Bang Nguyen Hall, Vice President of the Greenville County Vietnamese-American community, appealed to the County Council for help during their December 2 meeting at County Square.
Mrs. Hall noted that Greenville is one of the 10 best places to live in the United States.
Christmas in Dixie Opening Engagement
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Joyful Harps kicked off the first Friday night installment of Christmas in Dixie at the Museum and Library of Confederate History. The series is free to the public and will continue through December 26.
The Museum is located on 15 Boyce Avenue in the Historic Pettigru District of Greenville, near the Poinsett Club.
Chumley Leads Call for Special Session on Marriage
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- By Chris Sullivan
Using the Power of the Purse to Preserve Traditional Marriage
State Representative Bill Chumley (R-Spartanburg) is working with other conservatives to craft a response to the efforts of a few Federal judges to force South Carolina to legalize homosexual marriage. Rather than waiting on the legislature to convene in January, Rep. Chumley and other supporters of traditional marriage are calling on Governor Nikki Haley to call a special session of the General Assembly before more damage can be done by the Federal courts.
“We have to move quickly,” Chumley said. “Every day the Federal courts and their liberal enablers are working to destroy the traditional values of our society and marriage is the main line of attack.”
Greer Middle College Boys Cross Country Team Won the SC 1A State Championship
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Wake Up Sheeple!
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Wake up sheeple! The hour is late and the windows of opportunity are closing. The agenda being implemented by the sixties radicals now in control of the Democrat Party is clear. There is no longer a need to speculate or depend upon some political analyst to give their analysis and interpretation of what these people are doing to our Constitutional Republic that they have incorrectly re-designated a Democracy.
They are a coalition of radical leftists, socialists and communists who prefer to be addressed by the politically-correct and deceptive label: Progressives. They are indoctrinated in and implementing the teachings of Sol Alinsky found in his book, Rules for Radicals, combined with the Cloward-Piven strategy.
Times Examiner Columnist Addresses American Legion
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- By Staff Report
Staff Report
Times Examiner columnist
Dr. Al Snyder, told the Green-ville American Legion Post in their monthly meeting last Tuesday that the Israel of today is still the nation that is special to God, just as it was during Biblical times. The Jewish people of Israel today are still "God's Chosen People," according to "the everlasting covenant" made by God with Abraham some four thousand years ago.
Snyder is also a U.S. military veteran, having served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during the Korean War.. Snyder completed a nine-months-long course in microwave radio at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., graduated at the head of his class, and then was assigned to serve as an instructor. He also served for 21 years as a Christian missionary in Liberia, West Africa, and in Antigua, West Indies. Following that he served as a mass communications professor at Liberty University for 17 years and at North Greenville University for five years. He retired in 1998, and began writing for The Times Examiner in 1999.
County Republican Leadership Driving out Tea Party Conservatives
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Conservative Input Virtually Shut Out of Last Two Meetings
“Establishment” Republicans are now clearly in charge of the County Executive Committee. With the election of Attorney Chad Groover chairman, in a matter of months, Tea Party presence that one year ago had a strong presence in the Executive Committee has been driven out or quit in protest. The remaining few have been silenced by the chairman.
Veteran party leaders who have worked to keep Greenville County out of the clutches of RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), are becoming discouraged .
- Micah Williams Honored by Greenville County Council
- Reward Offered for Flag Vandal Arrest
- Extra Guest for Thanksgiving Dinner
- He Did It!
- “Hero” of the Game
- John Grady Miller, Jr. - 1934 - 2014
- Elmer Lee Rumminger - 1928 - 2014
- NGU's Denton Awarded Army ROTC Scholarship
- Citizen Warns of Potential Problems in Deal With Duke Power
- Frontline Ministries Holds 20th Anniversary Banquet
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