- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Organized Opposition to 17 Percent Sales Tax Hike Growing
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Four Community Based Organizations join Forces
Americans for Prosperity launched their opposition to the largest proposed tax increase in Greenville County history last week with a BBQ rally at their Greenville Offices on South Pleasantburg Drive.
A week later Dave Schwartz, South Carolina Coordinator for Americans for Prosperity announced from Charleston that four additional citizen groups had joined their coalition to oppose the tax hike.
Americans for Constitutional Government – Josiah Magnuson, Director; Greenville County Taxpayers Association – Butch Taylor, President; Greenville County Tea Party – Diane Hardy, Chris Lawton, Bill McShea, William Allen, Don Rogers, and Bill Rhodes, Steering Committee members and Greenville County Republican Liberty Caucus – Joshua Cook, Chairman have joined the sales tax opposition.
Thirteen Hours
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- By A Brief Review By Mitchell Zuckoff with the Annex Security Team
Note: This is a hardback book list priced at $28. It may be purchased at Sam’s for $15.28. It was released on 9/11/2014.
“This book documents the last hours of an American diplomatic outpost in one of the most dangerous corners of the globe. Based on exclusive firsthand accounts, it describes the bloody assault, tragic losses, and heroic deeds at the U. S. State Department Special Mission Compound and at a nearby CIA base called the Annex in Benghazi, Libya, from the night of September 11, 2012, into the morning of the next day.
“It is not about what officials in the United States government knew, said, or did after the attack, or about the ongoing controversy over talking points, electoral politics, and alleged conspiracies and cover-ups. It is not about what happened in hearing rooms of the capitol, anterooms of the White House, meeting rooms of the State Department, or greenrooms of TV talk shows. It is about what happened on the ground, in the streets, and on the rooftops of Benghazi, when bullets flew, buildings burned, and mortars rained. When lives were saved, lost, and forever changed.”
Muslim Refugees to Flood United States
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“We have several thousands in the pipeline and that number will continue to go up.”
In February, the State Department eased the rules to protect the U. S. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations. The rules were seen as “too strict” by the Obama Administration.
WND and Front Page Politics reported Monday that on September 4, a U. S. State Department spokesman “hinted that a new wave of refugees will soon be coming from another predominantly Muslim nation – Syria.”
The U. N. High Commissioner on Refugees is referring Syrian refugees to the United States. “We have several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will continue to go up,” he said.
Snow Campaign Chapter, NSDAR, Holds Meeting in Observance of Constitution Week
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- By Pam Evans
Snow Campaign Chapter, USDAR, of Fountain Inn, SC, held its first meeting of the 2014-15 year at the Fountain Inn History Center, 102 Depot Street, Fountain Inn, SC, on Thursday, September 11, 2014. This year, Constitution Day is celebrated on Wednesday, September 17, commemorating the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, by thirty-nine men in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The tradition of celebrating Constitution Week was started many years ago by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). In 1955, the DAR petitioned Congress to set aside September 17-23 annually to be dedicated for the observance of Constitution Week.
Winnie Davis 442 UDC Chapter Meeting and Awards Ceremony
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- By Pam Durham
The Sept. 8 2014, meeting of the Winnie Davis 442 United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter was held in Taylors, SC, for a very special evening. Special recognition was given to an array of Upstate citizens for their service to our state and nation in a variety of capacities.
Chapter President Pamela Durham opened the meeting with the pledges to the flags, and singing of anthems. Allison Bolt, President of Joseph Evan Davis 907 Children of the Confederacy Chapter, welcomed the attendees and served as page for the event.
Obama’s Islamic Fantasyland
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- By Mike Scruggs
Sugar-coated Islam versus Reality
When President Obama says that ISIS, which now calls itself the Islamic State, is not Islamic, perhaps he is trying to tell us that because ISIS is violent and fanatical, it is not the “true Islam.” Unfortunately, the President’s benevolent “true Islam” is the fantasyland of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda, thoroughly deceived liberal academics and media personalities, and politicians more concerned with political correctness than thorough homework and reality. Sadly, this counter-factual version of Islam is the so-called religion of peace and tolerance exuberantly praised by Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, and George W. Bush. This deceptive sugarcoated version of Islam differs sharply from the Islam of the Koran and the example and teachings of Muhammad. Moreover, it conflicts with Islam’s 1400-year record of fanatical violence, despotism, and expansion by coercion, sword, and terror. Undoubtedly, vast Middle Eastern petroleum reserves and billions of petro-dollars have lent foreign affairs credibility to the fantasy that Islam is peaceful and tolerant.
Common Core: Price We Pay for Taking Federal Funds
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- By Sen. Shane Martin
The process of replacing Common Core standards in Math and English/Language Arts is well underway. The State Department of Education and the State Board, as provided for in state law, will formulate new South Carolina standards based upon a review by panels of subject experts. Those standards must go to the Education Oversight Committee for its sign off, and then our teachers will begin using them in the 2015-2016 school year.
I think that it may help to revisit exactly what we expect from education standards and why it is important that South Carolina develop those standards instead of outsourcing it to a centralized entity. State law requires that educational standards be designed to promote the abilities to:
Most Dangerous Days of our Lives
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Remember Pearl Harbor!
Remember the Alamo!
Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge!
Remember Nine-Eleven?
We ain’t seen nothing yet!
It is bad enough when most of the American people are in denial, but when the Commander-in-Chief is in denial and hoping the threat will evaporate and go away, that is really scary.
As If Common Core Weren't Bad Enough, Now We Have Anti-American AP US History!
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- By Johnelle Raines - Pickens, SC
From the creators of Common Core, David Coleman and the College Board, the new AP US History course is an assault on our country’s heritage.
The new AP US History (APUSH) framework presents a relentlessly negative view of American history, emphasizing every problem and failing of our ancestors while ignoring or minimizing their achievements.
The College Board’s reinterpretation of US history, as presented in the new APUSH course, is a biased and inaccurate view of many important facets of American history, including the motivations and actions of 17th -19th-century settlers, American involvement in World War II, and the conduct of, and victory in, the Cold War.
War Is Hell! South Carolina Summers Are Hot!
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- By Vivian Bradburn - Union, SC
War is hell! South Carolina summers are hot! These two statements are related only because they are both facts, unless reported on by the Associated Press, when they might well become fiction.
AP reporters are well versed in the liberal art of innuendo, as demonstrated by their sugar coating of the IRS boondoggle, and the blind eye they gave to the confusion of the Obamacare take-off. Their reporting on the economic recovery is as murky as their news about how many billions of dollars we are in debt. It's like reading comedy as they try to separate a little grain from the hulls of the Obama presidency, boosting his minor accomplishments, while fast-forwarding his failures.
County Resolves to Oppose Proposed Expansion of Federal Control under “Clean Water Act”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Proposal would give Federal Government Authority to regulate ditches, ponds and rain puddles on Private Property
Greenville County Council has unanimously passed a resolution opposing the proposed expansion of federal control of private property under the Clean Water Act.
The federal government is implementing United Nations Agenda 21. The intent is to effectively eliminate private property ownership and use. Implementation of this despicable agenda must be stopped if the God-given right of property ownership is to survive the current environmental extremists funded by tax dollars and their representatives in government.
Sales Tax Battle Has Begun
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Beneficiaries of Largest Tax Increase in Greenville County History may spend a Million Dollars to Get Taxpayer Funding of their “pet” projects
Greenville County residents are facing the largest and most cynical tax increase scheme in the County’s history. The scheme is even more deceptive than the notorious “Greenville Plan” for circumventing the South Carolina constitutional debt limit, forming a dummy corporation, and borrowing a billion dollars to build new schools.
It should be noted that the State Legislature moved swiftly to pass a law making the “Greenville Plan” practice illegal in the future. The law was not retroactive and the Greenville County School Board was allowed to proceed with contracts already executed and none of the participants in the scheme were charged with a crime.
Wife Discussed Navy Seal's Way of Life
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
School Board Candidate Discussed First Steps
Stacey Shea and Derek Lewis were guest speakers at the August Meeting of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club at the Poinsett Club.
Mrs. Shea discussed her experiences as the wife of a Navy Seal. Her husband Thom Shea is now retired from the Navy, and they have started a motivational and leadership business in Upstate South Carolina.
Thom Shea’s book is titled, Unbreakable: A Navy SEAL’s Way of Life.
Stacy was the author of Section Four of the book titled, Spartan Wife Connection, in which she described the life of a wife and children of a husband and father in combat.
Korean War Veterans Made History With Veterans Corridor of Honor
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Markers on I-385 Honor US Military Veterans Who Served in WW I to Present
The tent was full, the chairs were full, the parking lot was full and it was half an hour before the unveiling ceremony was set to begin. The overwhelming turnout was unexpected on a Friday morning. The ceremony designating a portion of I-385 the Veterans Corridor of Honor took place in the parking lot of the Railhouse Restaurant located at 1003 North Old Laurens Road in Fountain Inn.
The event was well attended by military veterans and their family members, elected officials and business leaders. Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy was the featured speaker for the event. The Congressman’s comments were brief but appropriate for the occasion. He commended the individuals who planned and carried out the project that will remind motorists going north or south on I-385 that Americans throughout the history of our republic have sacrificed to preserve freedom for ourselves and others.
County Residents Concerned about Helicopter Noise, Safety
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
National Guard Helicopters to Train with Sling Load of 25,000 Pounds Concrete
A South Carolina National Guard helicopter unit has moved to a facility at the former Donaldson Air Force Base. A spokesman for the military unit has informed Greenville County Council that the facility originally thought to be for helicopter maintenance, will also be involved in training crews to lift and transport heavy sling loads.
It is estimated that 40 or more takeoffs per week are planned. Some of the takeoffs will involve lifting 25,000 pounds of concrete by sling and transporting the loads to several airports, including Anderson, Greenwood, Oconee and Pickens.
The South Carolina National Guard also plans to fly low-level helicopter training exercises at altitudes of less than 500 feet. These exercises will reportedly be flown over the Sumter National Forest in Newberry, Union and Laurens Counties and the DuPont State Forest near Hendersonville, North Carolina.
New Employees Join Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Danny Howard, County Agent and Region Lead Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources with Clemson University Extension Center, introduced Marie Hegler and Patricia Whitener as the two new employees with the agency.
Marie Hegler, Food Safety and Nutrition Agent with Clemson University Extension Center, stated she was working with Senior Action (nutrition and demo programs), food safety for restaurants and canning workshops.
BJU Named as 15th Best Value College in the Nation
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- By Press Release
Bob Jones University has been named the 15th Best Value College in the nation by Educate to Career College Ranking Index – 2014 (ETC).
According to ETC, the index analyzes the quality of students when they enter a given college, the total costs related to attending the college and the outcomes of the students when they enter the labor market. The rankings results are determined by which schools did the best job of improving the earnings and attainment of quality employment of their students.
“Our goal at BJU is to prepare students for life,” said BJU President Steve Pettit. “ETC provides yet another measure of the value of a BJU education in helping our students succeed in life and in their chosen vocation.”
The ETC College Rankings Index is comprised of accredited 4-year colleges with annual enrollments greater than 1,000 students. The Index analyzes publicly available data for more than 1,200 colleges, representing 94% of all students enrolled in 4-year colleges. The index may be accessed at www.educatetocareer.org
Obamacare, Goebbels and Ginsburg
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- By Dr. Keith Smith
A friend recently opined to me about his increasing frustration with those who are unable to distinguish between politics and religion, particularly those for whom politics is their religion. This describes statists of all stripes, I think. Folks either want to use the power of the state to abscond with the property of others in order to better complete “the Lord’s work,” or they justify the state’s trampling of individual rights in the name of “the greater good.” The fascist, Joseph Goebbels had the following to say:
“My party is my church and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.” Or how about this one from Mr. Goebbels: “I am only the instrument that God uses to sing his song. I am only the vessel that nature smilingly fills with new wine.”
The Worst Days of our Lives
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Dill Family began the month of August 2014 with one car each and a 20-year-old backup. Then the car demons struck.
Valvoline insisted on flushing the radiator. LaVerle reluctantly agreed. Partway through the process, they said there was a crack in the reservoir and they were unable to complete the process. They sent her on her way without replacing the cooling fluids and the car overheated in less than a mile. For a fee of $75 the Cadillac Dealer in Greer found no crack in the reservoir but overheating necessitated replacement of head gaskets. The estimated cost $6,000.
LaVerle began driving the 20-year-old Cadillac that had been driven very little for several years. On Tuesday night three weeks ago, LaVerle headed home and I was in Travelers Rest when my car overheated.
My Dad Was A Visionary
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- By Johnnelle Raines - Pickens, SC
My dad, J. M. Jenkins, way back in the 70’s knew what was going to be the downfall of our great Nation ... I remember it very well, sitting around the kitchen table listening to him talk about HUMANISM ... and he was so right on target ... what a visionary. I can now see that his concern for HUMANISM was well-deserved. I honestly believe HUMANISM is the root cause of all the problems we now face. My dad was a visionary. This great Nation is in free fall due to HUMANISM.
For those of you who do not know what HUMANISM is: It is a form of religion that attaches prime importance to the human being rather than GOD. It stresses the value of humans’ needs, and seeks solely to use rational ways of solving problems. It is all about social justice and equality for humans based on each human’s wants or needs ... NOT based on what God’s will is.
Scott, Gowdy Show Their Lighter Side at Greer Event
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United States Senator Tim Scott was the featured speaker at a dual county fundraiser last Tuesday evening.
Spartanburg and Greenville County Republican Parties teamed up to sponsor the event held in Greer and attended by a packed house.
Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy, the serious former prosecutor and chairman of the select committee investigating the Benghazi scandal, demonstrated that he has a sense of humor, as he introduced Senator Scott.
The American Legion National Convention
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- By Gilbert Scales
The American Legion National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger (Va.) called to order the 96th Annual American Legion National Convention held in the Charlotte Convention Center, Tuesday, August 26.
The Advancement of the Colors was performed by Harrisburg Post 472 Color Guard from Houston, Texas.
Montel Williams, a power Emmy Award-winning television personality for more than 17 years was Master of Ceremonies.
Williams began his military career in the US Marine Corps. He was the first African American Marine selected to attend the Naval Academy Prep School. He later graduated from the US Naval Academy.
He is a decorated former Naval Officer and inspirational speaker, and prolific author of practical and uplifting books.
Declare War!
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Congress must declare war. Pardon me for being blunt, but every day we fail to deal with the radical Islamic threat, we are contributing to the eventual death of more Americans. It is the constitutional duty of Congress and no one else has that authority to declare war. Our nation and our people are being attacked and killed by a global enemy. The United States is engaged in an undeclared global war. Many Americans are in denial. Elected officials and the dominant liberal media are lying to the trusting citizens of this country.
Wake up people!
This enemy is more vicious than either the Nazi’s or Japanese. If we don’t stop them there, they will kill you and your loved ones here.
Greenville County Council Honored Stevens with Proclamation
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Lisa Stevens, selected by Greenville County Council to chair the 19 member Greenville Citizen Roads Advisory Commission, was presented a Proclamation by Council Chairman Dr. Bob Taylor on August 19th honoring her for her leadership while heading the commission.
Wife of Navy Seal to Speak at GCRWC Luncheon
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Stacey Shea, president of Adamantine Alliance, and co- author with her husband, retired Navy Seal Thom Shea, of a best selling book titled Unbreakable: A Navy Seal’s Way of Life, will be speaking at the August meeting of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club.
International Youth help Taylors Lions Club with “Angel Flowers”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Students from fourteen nations participating in the Lions Club International Youth Exchange assisted the Taylors Lions Club with their project “Angel Flower” recently. Taylors Lions under the leadership of President Donna Henson, assisted by the International Youth members arranged and delivered flowers to nursing homes in the Upstate.
The South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind in Spartanburg provided housing facilities for the students while in the Upstate.
Lockheed Martin Celebrates Thirty Years in Greenville
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- By Press Release
Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] celebrates 30 years of operation in Greenville, S.C., this week as an aircraft modification, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MMRO) facility. The company signed a lease with the Donaldson Development Commission on August 27, 1984, to begin operations as the Lockheed Aeromod Center, Inc.
The original footprint of the two hangars and one office building, located at the former U.S. Army Air Force base, quickly expanded to accommodate the influx of military and commercial aircraft. The inaugural team of 12 employees welcomed a P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft to the facility as the first aircraft in work.
The Fine Arts Center Announces Partnership with Clemson University
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- By Press Release
Greenville County high school students will soon benefit from the efforts of Clemson University to attract talented student artists. The Fine Arts Center is pleased to announce an educational partnership between its Performing and Visual Arts programs and Clemson University.
Beginning in the 2014-15 academic year, students are eligible for up to 9 credit hours for achieving an “A” Visual Arts courses and up to 3 credit hours for achieving a “B” or better in Acting and an award of 3 credit hours in Technical Theatre with a “B” or better in an equivalent course at The Fine Arts Center. These credits can be applied to the Clemson University Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts or a Bachelor of Arts in Production Studies.
- Korean War Vets Honored at Monthly Luncheon
- Emerging Teachers of the Year
- Walk Through the Fire – the Journey thru Cancer
- New Anti-American AP US History
- Allen West: “Obama is an Islamist”
- Greenville Tea Party Featured Sheri Few and Thomas Ravenel
- Veterans Corridor of Honor Ceremony Set For Sept. 5
- Verdin, Neal Wedding Announcement
- Adam Scheuch 2014-15 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year
- Unsolved 39 Year Old Murder in Greenville
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