- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Lisa Campbell Bracewell for Greenville County School Board - District 17
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
- Obama Puppet Master Still the Same
- NBC News Report: 'The Firing Squad' Reaches 'Demographic that is Often Left Out of the Box Office Equation'
Trump Picks Winners To Head Defense, Justice
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
President-elect Donald Trump has picked no-nonsense professionals to head the Departments of Justice, of Defense and the National Security Advisor. These are important operations that have been badly and tragically mismanaged by Obama political appointees.
If confirmed by the Senate, General James Mattis will become Secretary of Defense. General Mattis has 41 years of military service and was described by the Marine Corps Times as “the most revered Marine in a generation.” He is known by his troops as “Mad Dog Mattis.” Donald Trump said he is the closest thing to General George Patton that we have currently.
Mattis was commander of the United States Central Command since 2010, and led the First Marine Division into Iraq in 2003. President Barack Obama forced the Marine legend to retire because he allegedly rubbed Obama’s political appointees the wrong way and “forced them to answer tough questions regarding Iran.”
Maestro Discusses 1991 USSR Defection With GC Republican Women’s Club
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Maestro Edvard Tchivzhel, Director of the Greenville Symphony Orchestra was the guest speaker at the December luncheon of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club. He discussed his defection from the Soviet Union and his love for America.
He first visited Greenville in 1991 while serving as the associate Director of the USSR State Symphony Orchestra. He and his wife defected to the United States at the end of the concert tour.
Problems with REAL ID in New Year
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
By Bob Dill
The Department of Homeland Security has declared that five states are not following the requirements of the REAL ID Act: South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maine, Oklahoma and Kentucky.
That means that South Carolina Driver’s licenses will no longer be accepted at secure federal buildings or military bases starting on January 20, 2017, and on January 22, 2018 the Transportation Security Administration will no longer accept South Carolina licenses at airports.
Congressman Mark Sanford, who fought the original bill when he was Governor of South Carolina is working with other impacted states to get a delay in implementation until a legislative solution is found.
Pastor Paul B. Chandler, Jr. Is Honored for 75 Years in the Gospel Ministry
- By Pam Evans
On December 7, 1941, seventeen-year old Paul B. Chandler, Jr. was on his way to Pinellas Park Presbyterian Church to preach his very first sermon at a youth rally for young people from all over Pinellas County, Florida. He had felt called to preach under the ministry of Pastor William R. Newell and had recently surrendered his life to this call to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the winds of war were beginning to blow, Pastor E.R. Barnard, his pastor at Central Presbyterian Church, had been discussing a county-wide youth rally with his friend who was the pastor of Pinellas Park Presbyterian Church, and, upon learning of young Paul Chandler’s desire to preach, they decided to “cut him loose,” and invited him to preach at the youth rally. He was happy for this opportunity to preach for the first time. As he turned on the radio in his car, while driving to the service, he heard the news that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor! With the realization heavy on his heart that the country would soon be entering into WWII and many young people would be answering the call to serve their country in the U.S. Armed Forces, he was burdened about the opportunity immediately before him as he would be preaching to those young people in those uncertain times. He had chosen as his sermon’s text, Romans 12:1&2: “I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Present at that service was his future wife, Esther Lillian Allen (Chandler). She was the one who, years later, reminded him that there were 18 young people who had surrendered their hearts to the Lord at that service. She said she was able to remember that number because he was turning 18 the week after he preached his first sermon!
241st Anniversary of the Battle of the Great Cane Break
- By Bill Williamson
SIMPSONVILLE — Members of the South Carolina Societies of the SAR and DAR met Dec. 3 at Historic Hopkins Farm to commemorate the 241st anniversary of the Battle of the Great Cane Brake. The annual event is sponsored by the Col. Robert Anderson Chapter.
Chapter President Bill Kivett began with welcome remarks and an introduction about the battle. The SAR Color Guard posted the colors.
Pledges were led by Jacob Williamson, Monte Hart II and Monte A. Hart. Chapter Historian Glenn Farrow provided a detailed history about the battle, which was part of what would become known as the Snow Campaign. Several SAR and DAR chapters presented wreaths.
Growing Old Gracefully
- By David Thompson
In my experience, one usually hears advice when its application would be least appreciated and mostly useless. Thus we come to know the truth in the saying that, “Nothing goes so unheeded as unsolicited advice,” and yet here I go.
My Mother was not just wise; she was given to me as an Angel from God. Please accept that I am not being flippant or a smart aleck at the moment; fact is, Mom’s analytical skills relative to her children were so astonishingly accurate it was, well, scary. Like when she told me at age 10 that my penchant for being reckless was going to hinder my life if not reformed. Her words have come back to haunt me many times since.
One can certainly make a case that wanting to join the Marines at age 19 because they said they needed “A few good men,” was motivated by all the right stuff. Then again, my sisters would tell you even today that such a decision during the Vietnam War falls into the reckless x 10 category. Who knew my sisters would also get the analytical gene…nah, just kidding, those two knuckleheads don’t know anything.
Dean Gotcher Speaks on Destruction of the Family and Indoctrination of Youth
- By Jeff West
Dean Gotcher, a Christian expert in education and psychology, spoke on Thursday, June 9 at the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia about how children are being indoctrinated with secular values in the public school system and society, while parental authority is simultaneously being destroyed. Times Examiner readers know that America is on the verge of destruction, and although we may not understand why, Gotcher documents that we have been infiltrated, and he connects the dots by naming the perpetrators. He said that in the 1950s, education shifted to focus on relationships and feelings. Gotcher credited Benjamin Bloom’s classic book Taxonomy of Educational Objectives which has negatively influenced our educational system since it was written in 1956. Its continuing legacy has spawned dysfunctional curricula such as Common Core. Certified teachers and accredited schools must follow Bloom’s methodology, which strives to destroy patriarchal and God’s authority over the child.
Bloom was a “Transformational Marxist,” as opposed to a “Traditional Marxist.” Some of the former group escaped Nazi Germany by immigrating to America in the 1930s, where they injected their beliefs into professional fields here, such as education, corporate management and government. These Marxists were members of the “Frankfurt School” which included both Theodor Adorno and Erick Fromm, who influenced Bloom.
Does Henry Deserve Thanks?
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Lieutenant Governor Henry McMaster was the first elected official to publicly endorse Donald Trump for president of the United States. South Carolina gave Trump a large victory in the Republican Primary as well as the General Election and smashed the candidacy of Jeb Bush despite the campaigning of his former president brother and his mother in the state. There is little evidence that McMaster had much to do with that victory.
Governor Haley definitely had no influence getting votes for the candidates she endorsed and campaigned for. Certainly her strong criticism and vicious attacks on Donald Trump did not hurt him with South Carolina voters.
McMaster informed The Times Examiner six months ago that he intended to run for Governor at the end of Nikki Haley’s second term. The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States combined with a good measure of luck has greatly enhanced his chances.
The remainder of this column contains a measure of speculation that I believe to be true but cannot prove.
Trump Assembles His Dream Cabinet
- By Phyllis Schlafly's Sons
President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General was perhaps the finest Cabinet pick of any president in the last half-century. Senator Sessions will bring much-needed enforcement of our immigration laws to the Department of Justice.
The perfect encore would be Kris Kobach to head the Department of Homeland Security. Currently serving as Secretary of State in Kansas, Kobach has been a conservative leader on immigration and other issues for more than a decade and served on the Republican platform committee every convention since 2008, adding strong language for Second Amendment rights.
This year Kobach was credited with inserting a provision into the platform to build a wall along our southern border with Mexico, as Trump repeatedly promised. Instead of milquetoast language about electronic monitoring, the platform calls for a physical barrier on our southern border.
American Legion SC Dept. Commander Visits Post 214 Awards Banquet
- By Stuart McClure
American Legion SC Dept. Commander Bob Scherer and his wife Sherry are greeted by Clyde Mabry, 3rd District Commander, at the American Legion Post 214 Awards Banquet.
Charlie Clifton, holding the certificate above, receives a Certificate General Award and medal from American Legion SC Dept. Commander Bob Schere, Post 214 Charter Commander Steve Zietz and Current Commander Tony Dunn.
SC Veterans Association Director Honors Korean War Veterans
- By Lewis Vaughn
Director Lewis Vaughn talking with Gwyneth Saunders, commander, Sun City, SC Veterans Association on Veterans Day November 11, 2016. Lewis was the keynote speaker at the Sun City, SC Veterans Day event hosted by the Sun City Veterans Association. He presented the Korea Peace Medal to many deserving Korean War Veterans.
Post 214 Recieves Appreciation from Pat Ramsey
- By Stuart McClure
Pat Ramsey, President of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 253 in Greenville, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Major Rudolf Anderson, Jr. Post 214 Commander Tony Dunn for financial support of their recent golf touramemnt.
Kingdom Seminar on America’s Christian Worldview Held in Columbia
- By Jeff West
A Kingdom Seminar on America’s Christian worldview was held at Columbia Evangelical Church on September 24, 2016. It was sponsored by Rev. E. Ray Moore (Lt. Col.), USAR Ret., of Frontline Ministries and the Exodus Mandate Project (www.exodusmandate.org), and Dan Smithwick of the Nehemiah Institute (www.worldviewcourse.com). There were three presentations: 1: World History from A Biblical Perspective; 2: 30 Years of Youth Worldview; and 3: Review of American Historical Worldview.
Smithwick presented “The Story of Christendom,” outlining major historical events from Creation to the present. He observed that approximately every 500 years a major historical event occurs wherein God lets man know that He still exists. He noted the following approximate dates and events: 2500 BC: Noah’s flood; 2000 B.C.: Creation of Israel; 1500 B.C.: Exodus/Mosaic Law; 1000 B.C.: Beginning of Kingdoms; 500 B.C.: Rebuilding Israel after Babylonian Exile; 0 A.D.: Jesus’ Birth, Death and Resurrection; 500 A.D.: Consolidation of Christendom; 1000 A.D.: the Light of the Church; and 1500 A.D.: the Protestant Reformation. He believes that near 2000 A.D., God is about to cause another major event. Smithwick, who was in business management with AT&T for twenty years, believes a global financial collapse will soon occur to bring us to repentance. Consequently, he is trying to wake America up to do God’s will.
HK Edgerton: Suing the NAACP
- By H.K. Edgerton
Friday morning, November 25, 2016, in the uniform of the Southern soldier, I posted the Southern Cross approximately 3 blocks from the entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was a smoke filled morning from the fires that raged in the mountains making the cars that passed barely visible except for their headlights.
About 7:30 AM, a car pulled into the driveway of a business adjacent to where I stood, and a young Black lady approached me saying, “Sir, what is this all about?” “Read my sign,” I replied. “United Nations, Beware! Nikki Judas Haley. Coming!”
I can recount the story of a young man doped up on mind altering drugs, who would come to a church in Charleston, South Carolina, where with wide open arms, the parishioners would welcome him into the House of God, and he would reward them with the hideous crime of murder.
Philip Porter Revolutionary War Patriot Honored on Veterans Day
- By Helga Rogers
American Legion Post 214 at Porter Chapel honoring Philip Porter Revolutionary War Patriot on Veterans Day. Philip is Charlie Porter’s 3rd Great Grandfather born in 1775. Left to right: Pete Bellinger, Charlie Porter, Peter Butchart, Post 214 Adjutant Carroll Kelley, Trumpteer Jamie Richards, JD Norris from the Andrews Pickens Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) in Greenville and Donny Carson from the Gen. Daniel Morgan SAR in Spartanburg.
Four Roots of Islamic Violence and Jihad
- By Mike Scruggs
The four roots of Islamic violence and Jihad exposed here are not poverty, discrimination, the Crusades, or Colonialism. They come straight from the Koran and other sacred doctrinal texts of Islam.
Karl Troutwein, in his 2009 book, The 9/11 Verses: Terrorist Teachings in the Koran, describes four main elements in the Koran and the Sunna (the words and actions of Muhammad) that when combined result in a high probability of Islamic violence.
The first is “An attitude of anger and hate towards non-Muslims.”
This is corroborated by the analysis Dr. Bill Warner in his writings and books on “Political Islam.”
Trust America
- By David Thompson
Peggy Noonan said in the WSJ, “Trust America.” Apparently that is her response to people upset with an election that will put Donald Trump in the White House. While I want to share Ms. Noonan’s faith in the USA, it is less clear after 8 years of Obama that we can or should do so. Certainly we should not without strong “rules of engagement.”
There is much wiggle room under the First Amendment (1A), in fact, we allow for the expression of all sorts of nonsense. Where the line should be drawn, however, is when evil people among us utilize the American instinct for fair play and tolerance against us – then my pragmatic side says, “Wake up, America.”
ISIS, for example, has used the Internet for all sorts of nefarious purposes, including sending messages, recruiting and demonstrating just how evil human beings can be. Jihad is not a passing fancy: it has been around for 1400 years. We ignore radical Islamic terrorism, as Obama has tried to do, only at our peril.
The Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and Civilization Jihad
- By Mike Scruggs
Rep Keith Ellison (D, MN) was the first Muslim to be elected to the U.S. Congress and was sworn into office using a Koran in 2007. Ellison was a follower of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam but in recent years converted to orthodox Sunni Islam. He has been a strong supporter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and CAIR and associated Muslim Brotherhood (MB) members have generously supported his political campaigns. The huge Somali refugee population placed in Minneapolis by the State Department and the HHS Refugee Resettlement Department is his strongest constituency. On November 19, he announced his candidacy for Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, replacing Donna Brazile. Ellison has already received the endorsement of Senator Chuck Schumer, leader of the Senate Democratic Caucus, Harry Reid, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, new Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth, and 10 other Congress members. Ellison is known even in the Democratic Party as radical in his pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel views. However, the Democrats may be too addicted to laundered Arab-oil campaign contributions to put up much resistance to Ellison as DNC Chairman. I agree with Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy. Ellison would be the first Muslim Brotherhood DNC Chairman. Ellison does have some competition, including former DNC Chairman Howard Dean. The radicalization of the Democratic Party makes it imperative that ordinary American voters know the truth about Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood, and CAIR.
Sixty Days of Intense Danger
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The United States is facing sixty days of intense danger as Barack Obama completes his second term after rejection of his policies and of his favored replacement Hillary Clinton. As he traveled around the world making speeches, it was clear that he has not yet come to grips with the reality of this loss.
Those thousands of Christian individuals who prayed for a Trump victory need to continue praying for a peaceful turnover of power. Virtually all of our enemies will test Obama during the transition period, believing that their chances of success will be less successful when Trump takes office.
Some of the senior people in the Obama Administration are evil and would be happy too see harm come to the President-elect. It is my view that they don’t give a darn about the people or the country, they just want to press their agenda.
President Barack Obama has two more months in the White House. The win by Donald Trump was a dramatic rejection of everything Obama did in 8 years. He has promised to dismantle Obamacare, seal the southern border and reverse most of the Executive Orders Obama issued.
American Legion Post 214 Legionnaire of the Year
- By Post 214
Charlie Porter, center, is presented the Major Rudolf Anderson, Jr. Post 214’s Legionnaire of the Year Award by Commander Tony Dunn, at right, for his support and service to the Post and community. Past Commander Steve Zietz is at left.
Dunn Elected Commander of American Legion Post 214
- By Stuart McClure
American Legion Dept. of SC State Commander gives the oath of office to Commander Tony Dunn of Rudolf Anderson, Jr. Post 214 at the November Meeting in Taylors.
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- The Tide of a Great Battle Has Turned
- The Question: How Did He Do It?
- Residents’ View of Paris Mountain Covered in Smoke at Sunrise
- Gary Varvel Cartoons
- Gary Varvel Cartoons
- Legislative Delegation to Appoint Hospital Board
- Cecil D. Buchanan War Museum Visited by Future Soldiers
- Early Voters, Huh?
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