- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- Trump and Musk Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to US Economy
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Can America Ever Come Together Again?
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- By Pat Buchanan
If ex-CIA Director John Brennan did to Andrew Jackson what he did to Donald Trump, he would have lost a lot more than his security clearance.
He would have been challenged to a duel and shot.
"Trump's ... performance in Helsinki," Brennan had said, "exceeds the threshold of 'high crimes & misdemeanors.' It was ... treasonous."
Why should the president not strip from a CIA director who calls him a traitor the honor and privilege of a security clearance? Or is a top-secret clearance an entitlement like Social Security?
Identity Politics: A Cynical Electoral Tactic
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- By David Limbaugh
No offense, my Democratic friends, but only in the modern Democratic Party could a Democratic icon such as Andrew Cuomo fearlessly and publicly claim that America "was never that great." Just two decades ago, few Democrats would dare make that statement.
Lest you fall for the lie that this was merely a one-off hyperbole, notice the full range of Cuomo's intentional remarks.
Back to School!
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- By Ben Graydon
Ah, the memories: two new pair of jeans (one green, one brown; blue jeans were still not allowed); three or four new shirts; perhaps a pair of shoes; sox and understuff … along with pencils, pencil sharpener, erasers, paper, ruler, glue, pencil box … And the smell – the smell of new clothes and school paraphernalia! It marked the end of summer and the advent of a new adventure.
America's Lengthening Enemies List
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- By Pat Buchanan
Friday, deep into the 17th year of America's longest war, Taliban forces overran Ghazni, a provincial capital that sits on the highway from Kabul to Kandahar.
The ferocity of the Taliban offensive brought U.S. advisers along with U.S. air power, including a B-1 bomber, into the battle.
"As the casualty toll in Ghazni appeared to soar on Sunday," The Wall Street Journal reported, "hospitals were spilling over with dead bodies, corpses lay in Ghazni's streets, and gunfire and shelling were preventing relatives from reaching cemeteries to bury their dead."
Duncan Endorsed by National Right to Life
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- By Press Release
Duncan Commended for Fighting for the Unborn
Laurens, SC – U.S. Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-3) has received the endorsement of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) for his consistent pro-life voting positions in Congress. The NRLC noted Duncan voted for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, and the vote to block funding to Planned Parenthood. This NRLC endorsement also recognizes Duncan’s 100% pro-life voting record.
Choosing Life’s Priorities
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- By Anne Schlafly Cori
“First of all, I want to thank my husband Fred, for letting me come — I always like to say that, because it makes the libs so mad," my mother, Phyllis Schlafly, often said with a big smile when speaking on college campuses.
What did she mean? She meant that the most important duty in her life was to her husband and family (after that to God himself). Pleasing Fred Schlafly was more important to her than pleasing anyone else. She explained her opener with, “I have canceled speeches whenever my husband thought that I had been away from home too much.”
Mission Possible: Saving Freedom in Medical Care
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- By Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD
In the original Mission: Impossible series, against all odds, through brilliant strategizing the good guys thwart stealth communist plots to undermine democracies. In trying to provide affordable, quality, personalized medical care, independent physicians face seemingly insurmountable obstacles: digging out from under piles of electronic paperwork, breaking free of third-party red tape, dodging hospital buyouts, and shielding patients from data mining and privacy intrusions.
Looking Back Before Moving Forward
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- By Ray Simmons
In a recent letter to an editor (not the Times Examiner) the writer was asking the publication to provide more liberal cartoons in their weekly paper. I cannot remember a Trump positive cartoon ever being printed in the paper, but there are one or two Trump negative cartoons in most issues. The paper, which probably calls itself neutral is, in my strongly conservative opinion, very Progressive. I am suspecting that the letter was being written in reply to a conservative letter that was being critical of the publisher for not showing a more balanced approach, but I cannot be sure.
Special Guest at Next GCRWC Meeting
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- By Press Release
Greenville County Republican Women's Club August guest speaker will be Ashley Landess, with the South Carolina Policy Council!
Come for lunch, bring a friend, be inspired, be challenged, and enjoy!
Remember to make your reservations by Sunday, August 19th, for the August 23rd GCRWC Luncheon Meeting at 12:00 Noon. Come early to mingle and chat.
For reservations go to
The Theory of Political Relative Relativity
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- By Michelle Malkin
It's quite simple: Some political relatives are more equal than others.
Agenda-driven journalists love to exploit familial dysfunction when a prominent politician is conservative and his or her kinfolk espouse liberal views. When a vengeful offspring, sibling, cousin or distant relation wants to wreak havoc, instant fame and adoration are just a tweet or call away. The media schadenfreude over such bloody bloodline battles is thicker than California wildfire smoke.
Bordering on Anarchy
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Our wonderful Constitutional Republic is bordering on anarchy. It is not a sudden occurrence, it has been brought on gradually by a series of administrations.
Conservatives have long been aware that Black Americans have been duped and used by liberal whites and the Democrat Party. But only recently, since the election of President Trump, has it become clear that Conservative Whites have been as gullible as Blacks. They have been duped by liberal “One World” Republicans talking conservative issues while carrying out the same agenda as the Democrats, only at a slower pace.
Funeral Held for Frederick L. Scales at Trinity Parish in Clemson
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- By Press Release

Frederick LaRoque Scales, 70, son of the late Gilbert William Scales, Jr. and the late Susie LaRoque Scales passed away peacefully on Friday, August 3, 2018.
Born in New Bern, NC, Fred joined the Air Force after graduation from high school. He had one deployment in Vietnam as an aircraft maintenance specialist. Upon returning stateside, he served at Seymore Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, NC. The Tactical Air Command (TAC) squadron was later reassigned to Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, OK. After his retirement from the Air Force as a Master Sergeant in 1998, he served as a social worker with the Department of Veteran's Affairs. Fred was very active in the American Legion, the 40/8, the VFW and the DAV. He loved sports and his beloved UNC basketball team.
South Carolina Ranks High in Patriotism
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- By WalletHub
According to WalletHub’s military engagement and civic engagement rankings, South Carolina was ranked No. 4 on the list due to high military engagement.
Most Patriotic States in America
- Virginia
- Alaska
- Wyoming
- South Carolina
- Idaho
American Legion Post 214 - Inaugural Golf Tournament at Paris Mountain Country Club
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- By Press Release

Duncan Among Lawmakers Pushing to Reduce Rape Kit Backlog
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- By Press Release
By many estimates — including one issued by the White House in 2015 — that’s the number of backlogged rape kits stacked and hospitals and police stations around the country
For many in Congress, including Republican U.S Rep. Ted Poe of Texas, the 3rd District’s Jeff Duncan and New York Democrat Carolyn Maloney, that statistic is an outage. They’re among a bipartisan group of lawmakers pushing for more stringent measures not only to reduce the outstanding number of rape kits, but also tamp down on sexual violence in general.
Guest Line-up for August 20, 2018 – August 24, 2018
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- By NiteLine Press Release
Nite Line broadcasts live Monday through Friday on WGGS-TV from 8 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. The program features local and/or nationally known guests who share their testimonies and talent. Our goal is to be an inspiration to our viewers as well as inform them of Christian and community events in the upstate.
Monday, August 20, 2018: Discover what it means for a man to be emotionally disconnected tonight on Nite Line as Dante Thompson welcomes Jim Turner from Portland, Oregon. Jim sheds light on this subject as he discusses his latest book, The Disconnected Man: Breaking Down Walls and Restoring Intimacy With Him. Tonight he provides insight from his twenty-five years in pastoral ministry as well as from his own personal experience. 3R1, a Christian contemporary rock band from Hiawassee, Georgia, performs live music on the program tonight.
Growing Christian Genocide in Nigeria
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- By Mike Scruggs
Christian Death Toll Exceeds 6,000 in Six Months
According to the Christian Association of Nigeria, more than 6,000 Christians have been murdered by Islamist Jihadists since the beginning of 2018. Not many people outside Nigeria seem to care.
From June 25 to 28, Muslim terrorists attacked a dozen Nigerian villages, desecrated several Christian churches and killed 238 Christians, including a Christian pastor, his wife, and son. According to another Christian pastor, about 50 heavily armed Fulani herdsmen burned the entire community of Gidin Akwatito to the ground and killed almost every one of 100 persons in a neighboring village. Two soldiers and a policeman in the village of Nghar fled when Islamic militants arrived. There was no further intervention by government security agencies despite several distress calls. According to the Christian Association, which includes churches from several Christian denominations in Nigeria, many of these and past terrorist incidents included sexual assault and rape of women before being slaughtered. Many victims were beheaded, hacked to death, or burned to death inside homes and churches.
Element TV plant closure: Taxpayer money down the drain?
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- By Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
Plenty of buzz surrounded Element Electronics’ announcement five years ago that it would open a television assembly plant in Fairfield County, with then-Gov. Nikki Haley joining company officials in a live webcast from a Walmart-sponsored conference in Florida.
But little information was publicly released then about the taxpayer costs of the planned $7.5 million project, which was expected to eventually create 500 jobs. The Nerve at the time revealed, citing state records, that the estimated total public cost over 15 years was nearly $14.8 million.
New School Year at Washington Center
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- By Washington Center
Washington Center’s new school year opens with the theme “Go Explore the Outdoors.” The long awaited outdoor Nature Trail will be ready for exploring. The twisting ADA accessible pathways provide sensory activities with plants, animal habitats and instructional environments for both Washington Center and Sara Collins students. The initiative is now a reality thanks to joined support from staff, community donors and friends.
Wake Up President Trump -- Prison Reform is Needed Now
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- By Christian Newswire
LOS ANGELES -- That's the advice prison minister and author Marty Angelo made in his most recent letter to President Donald J. Trump.
Angelo has made numerous attempts to reach both President Trump and his son-in -law Jared Krusher who the president put in charge of his 2nd Chance prison reform project.
So far, Angelo claims his attempts to offer the president a program he helped design in 1991 for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office have fallen on "deaf ears" as it did back in 2006 when he reached out to then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and again in 2013 to Governor Jerry Brown.
A Measure of a Man’s Character
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- By Frank Hall
There is a saying I have known and loved for many years, but I don’t know who should get the credit for it: The measure of a man’s character is not in his wins and losses in war but in what kind of battles he chooses to fight.
Evangelist Alveda King: Oh, Omarosa
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- By Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON -- Evangelist Alveda King (photo) releases the following and is available for comment:
I've been praying hard about the Omarosa situation.
I and a colleague had an opportunity to sit down with her at the White House a few months ago. I also had a few moments to chat with her on the President's Tour of the African American Museum, and had a photo with her in the Rose Garden at the signing of the religious freedom executive order.
Enough's Enough
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- By Walter Williams
During the weekend of Aug. 4-5 (and the preceding Friday night), 12 Chicagoans were shot dead, and 62 others were shot and wounded, the Chicago Tribune reported (https://tinyurl.com/yde7jb83). Before last week's mayhem, 1,718 Chicagoans had been shot since the beginning of the year, and 306 had been murdered. Adding to this tragedy is the fact that Chicago's clearance rate is less than 15 percent. That means that in more than 85 percent of Chicago's homicides, no suspect is charged. Chicago is by no means unique in this lawlessness. Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, St. Louis and some other major cities share high rates of homicides.
Veterans Informing Veterans
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- By Courtesy of VVA

Most Americans Think That It is 'Illegal' to Pray in School
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- By Christian Newswire
MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 13, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- For more than 50 years, Americans have been confused about the issue of prayer in school and students' rights to pray in school. Congress never passed any law prohibiting prayer or the free exercise of religion as stated in our U.S. Constitution / First Amendment. ... "Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or denying the FREE EXERCISE THEREOF."
Sheep Dogs
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- By Ray Sheen
For those of us who are Christians, we often use the metaphor that we are sheep. Well, the other day I was thinking about that metaphor and I would like to extend it a bit. In this extended metaphor most of the people in our society are sheep. However, there are also some wolves in the community who prey on the sheep. They look for a sheep who is isolated or who is weak and then they attack. However, in addition to the sheep and the wolves, there are sheep dogs. These protectors of the flock help to keep the sheep together and ward off the wolves when they get to close.
Warning to the Enemies of Our 2nd Amendment: “Malone Labe!”
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- By W.H. Lamb
In the late summer of 480 B.C. an event occurred that shaped the spirit of resistance to tyranny from that time to this very day. What motivates people, when faced with insurmountable odds and the virtual certainty of their own deaths, to nevertheless take a stand against the forces of evil that they see swiftly enveloping them? Over untold centuries, men and women have fought and died for principles, for home and country, for the survival of their loved ones, for their faith, or simply because the alternative of giving up and surrendering to the Dark Forces was unthinkable. These people realized the eternal truth that often, and perhaps always, death is better than life as a slave who is forced to serve the enemies of freedom.
- Spot lighting Military History
- The Cockade of John Paul Jones
- Greenville County Schools Response to American Humanist Filing
- End DACA and Secure the Border
- NGU/Kroc String Project Provides Affordable Stringed Instrument Instruction
- Back to School for Greenville County
- The Power of God
- S.C. Legislative Panel to Consider PSC Insiders for ‘Do-Over’ PSC Election
- Koos De la Rey - A Boer General like Lee, Jackson, and Forrest
- Trump Hatred, a Consuming Virus
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