- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- Lisa Campbell Bracewell for Greenville County School Board - District 17
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
- Obama Puppet Master Still the Same
- NBC News Report: 'The Firing Squad' Reaches 'Demographic that is Often Left Out of the Box Office Equation'
Tucker Carlson Interview of Vladimir Putin - Part 8
- By Mike Scruggs
The Changing Global Economy, Sanctions, Endangered Dollar, and BRICS
At the end of Part 7, Vladimir Putin was explaining how U.S. driven NATO sanctions on Russia were creating painful economic hardships on the German economy and German people.
Commentary: Although sanctions were a major factor in a 1.2 percent decline in the Russian economy in 2022, Russian economic growth was 3.6 percent in 2023, exceeding the U.S. and most European nations. According to the European Union Commission, Germany is estimated to have had a real GDP contraction of 0.3 percent in 2023, and real growth is not expected to be over 0.3 percent in 2024. In my opinion, this figure is very optimistic considering Germany’s critical energy shortage. European Union economic growth overall was only 0.8 percent. An optimistic projection for 2024 is 1.4 percent. The International Monetary Fund estimates Russian real economic growth for 2024 will be 2.6 percent. There are four major reasons why Russia has prospered despite US/NATO/EU sanctions. First, the Russians had prepared their banking and financial systems for sanctions. Second, they were remarkably successful in shifting their trade to China and other non-NATO nations. Third, the Russians have a very low Debt to GDP ratio of only 12 percent and near zero deficit spending. They are thus in much better fiscal condition than most Western nations. Fourth, they were able to ramp up military-industrial production very quickly, which also gave them significant weapons, ammunition, and logistical advantages over Ukraine and NATO.
Backward, Christian Soldiers
- By W.H. Lamb
I’m certain that most folks who consider themselves to be “Christians” are familiar with that venerable old hymn, “Onward Christian Soldiers” (1871), with those inspiring words by Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924) and the great music by Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900); (yes, the same Sullivan of “Gilbert & Sullivan” operettas fame). There was a time in America—a time that seems to have just about disappeared—when Christians loved to sing hymns with a “military” theme. Most of us know them: Stand Up For Jesus, You Soldiers of the Cross; or Soldiers of Christ Arise. Sadly, many modern hymn books no longer contain hymns like these that portray Christians as “soldiers of the Cross” (“too violent”). In fact, in some denominations and in some other nations, the singing of “Onward Christian Soldiers” has been forbidden by the wimps of their dying Christian (in name only) churches as “too militant”, “too unloving”, “too un-Christ-like”, “too judgmental”.
From Sea to Shining Sea, Federal Land Control?
- By Dr. Robert Malone
What is the Biden Administration 30 x 30 initiative, and what could possibly go wrong.
The 30 x 30 program is an international agenda advanced by radical environmental activists to permanently protect 30 percent of the world’s land and oceans in their natural state by 2030. The program in America was initiated by the Biden Administration through Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” (86 Fed. Reg. 7,619), signed January 27, 2021.
Proponents argue climate impacts are human-caused, and permanently preserving 30 percent of America’s land and oceans is necessary to reverse climate change. This action must be taken immediately, they claim, to avoid impacts on the ecosystem and wildlife. However, the science and data do not justify these extreme policy measures.
William Timmons and Adam Morgan Set for Joint Appearance before Greenville County Republican Women
- By Press Release
Candidate Forum for 4th District Seat Scheduled for April 29
Incumbent 4th District Congressman William Timmons and South Carolina Freedom Caucus Founder Adam Morgan will square off at a forum at the Greenville County Republican Women’s luncheon on April 29.
This is the first joint appearance by the two candidates for the 4th Congressional District seat before GCRW’s club. The event will be held at the Poinsett Club in downtown Greenville.
Each is seeking the GOP nomination for the 4th Congressional District seat. The GOP primary is June 11. Questions will be submitted by members of the GCRW to both candidates who will be given an opportunity to address issues of importance to Republicans in the area.
BJU Presents Haydn’s The Creation
- By Courtney Montgomery - BJU
Bob Jones University will present Joseph Haydn’s oratorio, The Creation, April 18-19 in Rodeheaver Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
Known as the “Father of the Symphony,” Haydn wrote The Creation, which depicts and celebrates the creation of the world as described in the Book of Genesis, in 1797-98. The work is structured in three parts and scored for soprano, tenor and bass soloists, a chorus and a symphonic orchestra. It was first performed in Vienna, Austria, in March 1799.
Glenn Beck Coming to SC!
- By SC Freedom Caucus
Join Glenn for an Event Supporting Conservative Lawmakers
Next week world-renowned conservative radio personality Glenn Beck will be in Greer, South Carolina hosting a fundraiser for the Palmetto Freedom Fund, a group dedicated to supporting conservative lawmakers, like those in the SC Freedom Caucus, and conservative issues in our state.
On stage Glenn will be joined by former SC Senator Jim DeMint, Women’s Sports advocate Riley Gaines, and SC Freedom Caucus Chairman Adam Morgan. You won’t want to miss it!
Joe Biden on the Economy: I Don't Feel Your Pain
- By Stephen Moore
In 1992, Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton famously answered a voter question about how the national debt affected him personally. Clinton's response was often paraphrased as, "I feel your pain."
Whether Bill was for once being sincere or not, his words resonated.
Now President Joe Biden is running for reelection with the opposite message: Stop complaining. Everything is going great. Some of his sycophants in Congress and his stooges in the media are now complaining that the problem isn't Biden's failed policies, it's that Americans are just too stupid to understand how good things are today.
Morgan for Congress Announces Surge in Donors
- By Press Release
The Adam Morgan for Congress campaign released the first quarter fundraising report showing over $250,000 raised for the campaign to date and garnering support from over 800 donors. The report listed cash on hand of $151,271 as of March 31, 2024.
“My message of limited government and representing my constituents rather than special interests and lobbyists has resonated with conservatives across the district and the country. I’m honored to have the support of hard-working South Carolinians and Americans in my race for Congress,” said Republican congressional candidate Adam Morgan.
The Real “Threat to Democracy”
- By Kristen A. Ullman - Eagle Forum President
A Republic, If You Can Keep It
The Left loves to call any person or policy they disagree with a “threat to democracy.” Put aside for a moment the fact the United States is not a democracy but a constitutional and federal republic. The biggest threat to our form of government — and one being pushed by the Biden Administration and largely ignored by Congress — are the upcoming votes on two World Health Organization (WHO) instruments that violate our representative system.
Israel’s Success Against Iran Attack Was Years In Making
- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
JERUSALEM (Worthy News) – The ability of the Israeli military and its allies to shoot down 99 percent of hundreds of drones and missiles fired by Iran toward Israel was the culmination of years of U.S.-backed efforts in the region, officials said Monday.
After several false starts and minimal progress, there was progress towards breaking down political and technical barriers that thwarted military cooperation between Israel and the Sunni Arab governments.
But with Iran seen as threatening stability in the region, the effort gained momentum after the 2020 Abraham Accords brokered by the then President Donald J. Trump’s administration.
The Accords established formal ties between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, forming the basis for broader regional cooperation.
Nation Prays the Word of God on Thursday, May 2nd
- By The National Day of Prayer Task Force
2024 Theme Calls America to 'Light Up' Our Nation with Prayer
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- For generations, Americans have lifted up scripture-filled prayers in every season and circumstance. From the first national calls to prayer by our Founding Fathers seeking divine guidance, the truths of the Bible have been the foundation for prayer through every tragedy and triumph in our history.
The 2024 National Day of Prayer Theme is a call to stand on this foundation, to "Lift Up The Word – Light Up The World" inspired from the faithful prayer of our theme verse, 2 Samuel 22:29-31 ESV "For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him."
Two Out of Three Kids Will No Longer Identify as Transgender by Adulthood, Massive Study Finds
- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
The vast majority of children who experience gender dysphoria will embrace their biological sex by adulthood, according to a sweeping national study that monitored children for 15 years.
Roughly two out of every three children who identify as transgender will embrace their birth sex by their mid-20s, the study found. People most likely to continue to identify as transgender have low self-esteem and other mental health challenges, researchers found.
A study of children in the Netherlands tracked 2,772 adolescents from the age of 11 to 26, asking them to rate their mental and physical health every three years for 15 years. The Youth and Adult Self-Report (YSR) asked participants to assess how much they agree with the statement, “I wish to be of the opposite sex.” A team of researchers then pored over the data from the Tracking Adolescent’s Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS) to measure “gender non-contentedness.”
Tucker Carlson Interview of Vladimir Putin - Part 7
- By Mike Scruggs
US-Russia Relations, Nordstream Sabotage, German Economic Suffering
In Part 6, Tucker Carlson had asked Vladimir Putin what he had told U.S. President Joe Biden several weeks before the Russian Special Military Operation began on February 24, 2022. This contact between Putin and Biden occurred on December 7, 2021, and possibly December 30 and January 8, 2022—described by British media as mutual warnings.
Tucker Carlson: What did he say?
Vladimir Putin: Ask him, please. It is easier for you, you are a citizen of the United States, go and ask him. It is not appropriate for me to comment on our conversation.
Tucker Carlson: But you haven’t spoken to him since before February of 2022? [Since December 2021 and possibly January 8, 2022]
Vladimir Putin: No, we haven't spoken. Certain contacts are being maintained though. Speaking of which, do you remember what I told you about my proposal to work together on a missile defense system?
Tucker Carlson: Yes.
Satan’s War On People Of Faith Is Still Raging!
- By W.H. Lamb
“Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society”!
(Rev. D. James Kennedy (1930-2007), late President of Coral Ridge Ministries, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
During his life and ministry, Dennis James Kennedy was one of my “heroes of the faith”. Seventeen years after his death in 2007, he still is one of my greatest faith heroes. Once, he said: “When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the Commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: Tolerance for their immorality.”
Truer words have seldom been spoken, because this sick and warped “tolerance” for immorality and hatred of Christianity and Judaism and people of those faiths has been infecting our national culture with increasing ferocity over recent decades and, in fact, this hatred has been in the forefront of the plans pushed by those who have proclaimed allegiance to their leftist/progressive/socialist/Marxist dogma at least since the late 18th century. Of course, Christians know that Satan’s war on God’s Word—on the revealed Faith of Christianity and the ancient faith of Judaism—has been ongoing since our first parents foolishly listened to “The Prince of Darkness” in God’s beautiful Garden, and were “conned” by his lies.
The Only Evidence for Abiogenesis is the Assumption that It Had to Have Happened
- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The simple fact is but there is no real evidence for abiogenesis actually occurring. The reason why this would be is that even if it did occur such chemical processes do not leave fossils. However, this still means but there is a lack of actual evidence.
White House Disrespects Christianity by “Affirming” Transgenders on Easter
- By Eagle Forum
While Christian families were preparing to celebrate Easter — the day we proclaim “Jesus Is Risen” — the White House showed its true colors by proclaiming March 31st as “Transgender Day of Visibility.” While this so-called tradition began in 2009 and has been celebrated every year by the Biden administration, this time it fell on Easter Sunday and gave us a harsh reminder of the anti-family and anti-Christian sentiments that this President perpetuates.
Vietnam War Veterans Day
- By Tony A. Dunn
A ceremony was held in Cleveland Park in Greenville, SC to honor Vietnam Veterans and welcome them home. The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act. signed into Law by President Donald Trump in 2017 designates March 29 of each year as National Vietnam War Veterans Day.
The Morgan and Timmons Firey Faceoff in SC’s 4th Congressional District Race
- By James Spurck, Publisher
US Rep. William Timmons Publicly Curses and Takes It Out on His Local Republican Constituents Attending a Recent GOP Event
It became obvious during a recent Greenville County Republican business meeting, where both Incumbent US Rep. William Timmons and his opponent SC Rep. Adam Morgan spoke, that Timmons considers his 4th Congressional primary Republican voting block as his real opponent.
It started with SC Freedom Caucus Chairman Adam Morgan giving an upbeat and electrifying speech about his successes in Columbia, SC as a legislator and how proud he was of his SC Freedom Caucus colleagues. He went through a list of their revolutionary-style battles with Columbia’s swampy RINO establishment with hopes that the 4th District voters would send him to Washington’s Swamp to do the same with the Freedom Caucus members in US Congress.
Florida Supreme Court Approves Pro-Life Law, But Sets the Stage for Abortion Showdown in November
- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
After being thoroughly remade by a popular Republican governor, the Supreme Court in one of the nation’s largest states has upheld a protective pro-life law which allows an even stronger protection to take effect. But the court also authorized a ballot initiative that could erase nearly all pro-life laws in America’s third most populous state.
In a near-unanimous (6-1) ruling, the Florida Supreme Court approved a bill prohibiting abortion after 15 weeks gestation. The Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality Act “protects babies in the womb who have beating hearts, who can move, who can taste, who can see, and who can feel pain,” said Governor Ron DeSantis (R), who appointed five of the seven sitting justices, when he signed the bill in April 2022. The ruling also paves the way for a more protective pro-life law, which extends human rights to six weeks post-gestation, to take effect next month.
Why Do Americans, UN Support Hamas Terrorists?
- By Star Parker
Most recent Gallup polling in March shows that 36% of Americans "approve of Israeli military action in Gaza" and 50% disapprove.
Last November, a month after the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel that claimed the lives of more than 1,200 innocent Israeli civilians, 55% approved of the military action that Israel initiated.
What has happened over the last few months that now barely more than a third of Americans support the clear case of the right of Israel to defend its country? We might also ask why only 55% last November supported Israel's military action to defend itself.
Vote No on Amendment 4 Nov. 5th
- By Rusty L. Thomas - founder American Reformation Church
Thanks to the current political leadership of Florida, our state has stood strong against the chaos and confusion perpetrated by the infamous Woke Movement. Our state government has been vigilant to safeguard Floridian's liberties. Florida has served as a beacon of light to other states and has served other states like Texas to protect our nation's border.
We should consider ourselves blessed in these days of tumult that Florida has led the way to preserve our freedoms and to provide a future and hope for our posterity. Unfortunately, the powers of darkness neither sleep nor slumber when it comes to undermining, ignoring, or bypassing our Founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. This demands we remain vigilant to protect the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for future Floridians.
General Michael Flynn Endorses Adam Morgan for Congress
- By Press Release
General Michael Flynn endorsed SC Rep. Adam Morgan for the US 4th Congressional District seat by submitting the following:
"I wholeheartedly endorse Adam Morgan for Congress in South Carolina's 4thth Congressional District. Adam knows firsthand the problems our country is facing. We need fewer politicians and more public servants willing to fight the deep state, the establishment, and the woke left.
Support Strong South Carolina Election-integrity Bill H.4935
- By The John Birch Society
Members of the South Carolina General Assembly are seeking to enact a strong election-integrity bill that would go a long way toward ensuring the integrity of South Carolina elections. It is imperative that legislators pass this bill and reject every attempt to weaken it.
House Bill 4935 (H.4935), titled the “Secure, Accurate, and Verifiable Elections (SAVE) Act,” is sponsored by Representative Joseph Bustos (R-Mount Pleasant) and 16 other representatives.
Join with Stan Tzouvelekas at His Campaign Kickoff
- By Press Release
Join Stan Tzouvelekas at his Campaign Kickoff on April 9th to support a true conservative voice in Columbia! Meet Stan in person to discuss your concerns over good refreshments and conversation. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stand with Stan and the conservative movement. Be sure to RSVP now to secure your spot!
Mr. Howell Clyborne of Integral Leaders in Health will be First Monday's Speaker April 8th at 12 noon at the Poinsett Club
- By Press Release
On Monday, April 8th, 12 noon at the Poinsett Club in downtown Greenville, SC – Mr. Howell Clyborne, who is board member, consultant and advisor to Integral Leaders in Health which is a Public Benefit Corporations will be our speaker.
Mr. Clyborne is the former President for the Greenville Health Authority, the governmental entity and political subdivision of the State of South Carolina. He also simultaneously served as Vice President of Community and Government Affairs and Chief of Staff for the Greenville Health System (GHS). In that role, Howell led GHS’ public relations and governmental affairs, communication, physician relations, community relations, and sponsorships.
Taiwan Hit By Worst Quake In Decades; Several Killed, Hundreds Injured
- By Worthy News’ George Whitten and Stefan J. Bos
HUALIEN, TAIWAN (Worthy News) – At least nine people were killed, 900 injured, and dozens of buildings damaged in Taiwan’s most powerful earthquake in 25 years, authorities said Wednesday.
However, strict building regulations and widespread public disaster awareness appeared to have staved off an even more deadly catastrophe despite a quake shaking the democratically ruled island.
The quake, given a magnitude of 7.2 by Taiwan’s earthquake monitoring agency and 7.4 by the United States, struck close to Hualien, a city of nearly 100,000 popular with tourists on Taiwan’s eastern coast.
Besides those killed and injured Wednesday, dozens of buildings were damaged, prompting tsunami warnings that extended to Japan and the Philippines before being lifted, according to officials.
- Iran Vows Revenge For Deadly Israel Strike
- State Tax Rates on Long-Term Capital Gains, 2024
- Tucker Carlson Interview of Vladimir Putin - Part 6
- Biden Administration Crushes Religious Freedom and the 1st Amendment by Banning Religious Symbols and Religious Themes at Annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House on Monday
- Are We Living In Taylor Caldwell’s “Honoria”? It Appears We Are!
- April Fools Day 2024
- Israel Under Pressure To Accept Palestine State On Easter Sunday
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Friday
- SDG Trifecta? Education, Healthcare & Vaccinations
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