- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Trump and Musk Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to US Economy
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- USAID Funded Beginning of Ukraine War in 2014
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
Kamala Harris Wants America to Have the World's Highest Death Tax
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- By Stephen Moore
Here is something no one in the media is reporting as Vice President Kamala Harris continues to duck and weave like Muhammad Ali in the ring to avoid any questions about her economic plan.
The American Business Defense Foundation reports that under the Harris tax plan, the number of Americans subject to the hated death tax would double or triple. This would happen because Harris has declared she will let the Trump tax cut expire next year if she becomes president.
Thanks to the Trump tax cut, the amount of an estate that is currently exempt from tax is roughly $13.6 million.
State Attorneys General Shield Citizens from an Overregulated Federal Government
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- By Eagle Forum
These Generals Have Your Back
With the slim Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and a slim Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate, very few conservative priorities have made it to the President’s desk. In fact, our principled Republicans have spent a lot of time combatting legislation that would infringe on our states’ rights. Fortunately, they have allies in many states who are lending their support.
We would like to shine a spotlight on two Attorneys General in particular. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey have fought tirelessly to right the wrongs of the Biden administration in their states. Eagle Forum has joined them on several issues that protect families and communities from the overreach of the federal government.
NC Attorney General Josh Stein’s 2020 Judicial Rebuke on Election Rules
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- By Mike Scruggs
Fair Elections for NC – Josh Stein Should Not Be Elected NC Governor

If fair elections matter to North Carolina voters, they should look at Josh Stein’s record as Attorney General before electing him Governor of North Carolina. North Carolina Democrats seem singularly focused on abortion issues to cover up their failing, unpopular, and increasingly radical policies on almost every major issue. The Democrat Party was once a reasonable and Constitutionally oriented party, but it has surrendered its heritage to fanatical left-liberalism with a strong totalitarian bent. This includes making election fraud easy in order to manipulate elections.
PERKINS: How Should Christians Approach the 2024 Election?
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- By Tony Perkins - The Washington Stand
The candidates say it. We say it. Every few years, the world thinks it: “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” And in a nation ripped apart at the seams by two radically different visions for our country, it will never stop being true. Since Barack Obama’s vow to fundamentally transform America — a promise he kept — each November has become less about politics and personalities and more of a ferocious battle over whose worldview will define a nation. Values and traditions that used to unite us have vanished, replaced by the hard contours of two parties without much common ground.
Department of the Air Force 'Mentoring Resources' Includes Historical Battle of Midway Documentary by Dr. James F. Linzey
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- By Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON -- The Department of the United States Air Force Mentoring Resources is offering on its official website a historical documentary, 'The Battle of Midway' By Dr. James F. Linzey as a resource. Dr. Linzey is a highly respected former United States Air Force Captain, who gave a speech on the Battle of Midway as the keynote speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast at MCAS Miramar on February 9, 2017.
The Air Force states on its website, "Dr. James F. Linzey, the author of 'Moral Leadership' and a retired U.S. Army Major, talks about the Battle of Midway and moral leadership at MCAS Miramar, Calif." The Air Force also states that the speech was filmed by U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Servando Morales.
Should We Support Our Local Police Forces and Keep Them Independent?
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- By W.H. Lamb

Sixty-one years ago, in 1963, Americans began to hear the first beginnings of the clarion call that has become a crescendo of common sense and needful action if our constitutional freedoms are to be maintained: “SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE, AND KEEP THEM INDEPENDENT”! The man responsible for formulating this concept in the long list of freedom-preserving “actions” was the late and great patriot, Robert Welch, Founder, in 1958, of one of the oldest and most effective organizations dedicated to the proposition that the Constitutional Liberties and Safeguards formulated by our Founding Generation were not up for grabs and were not to be negotiated away upon the altar of “world government”. That organization is THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY, named after a young missionary to China who also was a Captain in the U.S. Army Air Force, who served under the famous “Flying Tigers” General, Claire Chennault, and who was murdered in China by Satan’s communist cadres in August of 1945.
Take Action: House and Senate Taking Votes on “Woke” Defense Bill
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- By Eagle Forum
After the November elections, the House and Senate will vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Each chamber has its own version (H.R. 8070/S. 4638), containing provisions that could damage our armed forces. The two versions must be reconciled, so there is still time to weigh in with your Members of Congress.
In July, the Senate version passed out of committee with two provisions that Eagle Forum opposes. The first terrible provision would require women ages 18-25 to register for the Selective Service. Sadly, a number of Republican Senators support this language, ignoring the fact that women do not have the same muscular and bone structures as men and therefore fewer women would be capable of qualifying for military service. Reports and studies have shown that men outperform women in strength and endurance. Even when they “meet the minimum requirements” for military service, women are injured at twice the rate of men, just as female athletes in high school and college sports suffer much higher rates of injury. Anyone sending young women off to war would be using them as cannon fodder.
Does Our Life Style and Conversation Reflect Our Christian Profession
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- By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC
The historical narrative of the revelation of and essentiality of the appearance and work of Jesus Christ at the cross in the Bible powerfully declares the patience and unsearchable richness of the love and mercy of our great God. That blessing is unearnable by mankind. God is not compelled by any creature to perform the wonders revealed in the Bible, but He freely chose to share Himself with His creation. God chose to freely give His eternal life-giving spirit to any individual of mankind that simply believed, trusted in and relied on His revealed Words. No creature, created or uncreated, from above or below, can compel God under any set of circumstance obligate Himself to give His spirit. No one can earn the gift of His Spirit. To reiterate God’s gifts are in pure love and pure grace.
Left to Die: Government Abandons & Cuts Off Aid to Hurricane Victims
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- By Alaina - Palmetto State Watch
Private citizens who have been completing rescue missions in the Carolinas were told to stand down on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Jonathan Howard flew up from Florida on Sunday with the FL National Guard Special Unit and private entities like Aerial Recovery. Howard posted an update of their efforts through a video on Tuesday
Howard stated that the mainstream media and government officials have claimed that his team’s rescues of an 11 day old baby was “government assistance” when it was him and a handful of civilians.
Christian Credit Union Partners with Pro-Life Diaper Company to Support Families
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- By America's Christian Credit Union (ACCU)
GLENDORA, Calif. -- America's Christian Credit Union is excited to announce a new strategic partnership with EveryLife, America's fastest-growing diaper company and a wholly owned subsidiary of PublicSquare (NYSE: PSQH), that reflects both organizations' shared commitment to celebrating life and supporting families.
As part of this partnership, ACCU and EveryLife will work together to champion the sanctity of life and provide meaningful support to families across the nation. Key initiatives include:
Free legal assistance available to Hurricane Helene survivors in South Carolina
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- By Sarah Justice - South Carolina Bar
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A free legal help hotline is open for Hurricane Helene survivors with disaster-related legal needs in the following counties in South Carolina which have been declared disaster areas by FEMA: Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Catawba Indian Reservation, Cherokee, Chester, Edgefield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Kershaw, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union, and York.
The service, which allows callers to request the assistance of a lawyer to aid in hurricane-related matters, is a partnership between the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, the South Carolina Bar, the South Carolina Bar Young Lawyers Division, and South Carolina Legal Services.
Christian Woman: Keep Silent in Church
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- By Winston McCuen - South Carolina
The Holy Bible, in both testaments, declares that women should keep silent in public assemblies of the church.
The command for woman’s silence in church is historically continuous and unchanging, and not historically contingent or dispensational. It applies universally, or independent of time or place. The timeless command from God, and its underlying rationale, as stated most explicitly by the Holy Spirit speaking through the Apostle Paul at 1 Corinthians 14: 33-35, allows no exceptions.
‘Nuclear Bomb’ Study Shows 14,000 Children Have Undergone Trans Procedures
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- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
The transgender industry has exploded from a trickle of young males seeking transition procedures to thousands upon thousands of minors who have filled the industry’s bank account with more than $100 million, according to a groundbreaking new report.
The group Do No Harm has found nearly 14,000 minors have undergone transgender surgeries, puberty blockers, or cross-sex hormone injections between 2019 and 2023, generating nearly $120 million in revenue. The report documents that during those years:
Christian and Country Chart-Topper Faces Backlash Over New Song, 'God & Trump'
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- By MTS Management Group
APOLLO, Penn. -- Award-winning country singer-songwriter, farmer, and philanthropist Richard Lynch has released his bold new song and lyric video, "God & Trump," sparking controversy and a wave of backlash from certain media outlets. The song, which appears on his forthcoming album "Some Days are Better Than Others," unapologetically champions Lynch's beliefs in traditional American values, faith, and support for former President Donald Trump.
The release of "God & Trump" has been met with strong reactions across the country, with some radio stations and media figures openly rejecting the song due to its conservative themes. Critics have accused Lynch of promoting divisive rhetoric and encouraging a narrow-minded worldview, with some describing the lyrics as "appalling" and "incitement to violence." Several stations have declined to play the song, citing concerns over listener backlash and potential alienation of their audience.
Netanyahu Calls on Lebanese to Reclaim Their Country, Details Elimination of Hezbollah Leaders (Video)
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- By Emmitt Barry - Worthy News Correspondent
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the Lebanese to reclaim their country from Hezbollah and indicated on Tuesday evening that Israel had successfully assassinated Hashem Safieddine, the expected new leader of Hezbollah, who was targeted in an airstrike in Beirut last Thursday. He also asserted that Israel had eliminated the next in line for the position.
In a video message on Tuesday night, Netanyahu called on Lebanese citizens to reclaim their country from Hezbollah’s control. Addressing the Lebanese public in an English-language video, he stated that Israel has “degraded Hezbollah’s capabilities; we took out thousands of terrorists, including [longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan] Nasrallah himself, and Nasrallah’s replacement, and his replacement’s replacement.” He further emphasized, “Today, Hezbollah is weaker than it has been in many, many years.”
The Ultimate Problem with Materialism
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The philosophical mindset of institutionalized science is that of absolute atheistic naturalistic materialism. It is fundamentally naturalistic because only naturalistic causes will be considered. It has almost become a determination to force naturalistic explanations on everything. It is atheistic because it fundamentally excludes God as demonstrated by the reaction to intelligent design. It is fundamentally materialistic because only materialistic causes are considered. This is done despite quantum mechanical evidence to the contrary.
To the 41 Million Christians ‘Unlikely’ to Vote This November: ‘You Need to Repent’
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- By Suzanne Bowdey - The Washington Stand
While Kamala Harris’s numbers are starting to come back to earth after a disastrous vice presidential debate, things have never looked better for the Californian’s campaign. As much as people have come to rely on the ebbs and flows of public opinion, longtime strategists know that there’s a better predictor of how Democrats will do — and that’s the evangelical vote. Or, as the 2024 numbers warn, the lack thereof.
According to some truly shocking statistics from George Barna at Arizona Christian University (ACU), as many as 41 million Christians plan to sit this election out — more than enough to hand the country’s keys to the eager and radical Left. For Donald Trump’s opponent, the news that one of the Dems’ biggest obstacles to victory is voluntarily shirking their civic duty is cause for premature celebration.
Idaho Medical Association (IMA) Amends Resolution Attacking and Spreading Misinformation About the Pregnancy Resource Movement
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- By Stanton Healthcare
BOISE, Idaho -- On Sunday, October 6, the IMA passed resolution 105 (24) which removed any mention of "Pregnancy Resource Centers" and "Crisis Pregnancy Centers."
The resolution also deleted language accusing Pregnancy Resource Centers of posing as clinical centers, providing misinformation, not adhering to medical and ethical practice standards, false and misleading advertising, and not being legitimate medical clinics.
Here is the final adopted version of resolution:
The Chosen's Elizabeth Tabish Stars in Faith Drama Based on True Story of Armenian Refugee Family Seeking Asylum in U.S.
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- By Icon Media Group
BETWEEN BORDERS to Release in Theaters Nationwide January 26th Through Fathom Events
"Between Borders is a triumph of true storytelling, and a reminder that the moviegoing experience is still magical. Elizabeth Tabish is nothing short of a revelation. This is the film Armenians around the world have long awaited..." -- Armen Karaoghlanian, Founder & CEO, Armenian Film Society
LOS ANGELES -- Pinnacle Peak and StoryLight Productions announce the film "Between Borders," starring Elizabeth Tabish (The Chosen, "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever") and Patrick Sabongui (The Hunting Party, "Black Adam"), will release through Fathom Events in theaters nationwide on January 26th. "Between Borders" shares the true journey of an Armenian refugee family escaping persecution and racial discrimination in Azerbaijan and Russia, who are desperately seeking asylum in the United States. The Armenian Film Society hosted the festival premiere of "Between Borders" at the 2024 Armenian Film Festival, where Armenians in Los Angeles got a first-look at the indie drama.
Israel Expands Offensive In Lebanon Despite Warnings From Iran
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- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
BEIRUT/TEHRAN/JERUSALEM (Worthy News) – Israel’s military expanded its offensive against Iran-backed Hezbollah on Tuesday with troops moving into a new zone in southwest Lebanon, despite new warnings from Iran.
Exchanges of fire began with Hezbollah, deemed a terrorist organization by Israel, on the first anniversary of the group’s launch of major attacks against Israel.
It happened as Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Aragchi warned Israel that any attacks on the Islamic Republic’s infrastructure would be met with retaliation.
Black Clergy Speak Out for Israel
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- By Star Parker
On Monday, Oct. 7, my organization, CURE, Center for Urban Renewal and Education, co-hosted with Michigan Lighthouse Ministries a press conference with more than 50 pastors from across the State of Michigan, noting the atrocities committed last year by Hamas terrorists against Israeli citizens and expressing solidarity with the State of Israel.
We chose a church in the state of Michigan for this program because Michigan is home to the largest Arab American population in the country.
It is also home to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American representative in the House of Representatives and one of the nation's most strident voices against Israel.
George Soros Approved to Purchase Stake in Audacy, over 200 American Radio Stations including SC’s WORD 98.9
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- By Palmetto State Watch

Billionaire globalist George Soros has been approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in a fast-tracked deal to become the largest stakeholder in Audacy, the second-largest chain of radio stations in the United States. Audacy owns 220 American radio stations that reportedly reaches 165 million listeners per month.
In February 2024, Soros Fund Management purchased $415 million of debt in Audacy after Audacy declared bankruptcy.
Sen. Lee’s Saving Privacy Act Safeguards People’s Private Information
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- By Eagle Forum
Eagle Forum proudly supports the Saving Privacy Act (S. 5242). As technology advances and the federal government continues to collect more data on the American people, there is an increased risk of abuse from government surveillance. This legislation, introduced by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), aims to protect our Fourth Amendment privacy rights regarding our financial information.
After the events of January 6, 2021, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) scrutinized bank transactions that included certain keywords, such as “Trump” or “MAGA.” Essentially, the federal government deemed anyone using those words someone who could commit “homegrown violent extremism.” FinCEN and the FBI were never held accountable for their actions.
10 States Will Vote on Abortion This Fall. Here’s What’s at Stake.
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- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
With all eyes on this November’s elections for president and Congress, voters risk losing sight of the pivotal battlegrounds where the issue of protecting — or sacrificing — innocent life is on the ballot nationwide. Voters in 10 states will vote on 11 ballot initiatives, nearly all of which would open the door to expanding the taking of innocent life as late as the third trimester.
Voters this November will decide on abortion-related ballot initiatives in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota.
Truth Versus Ukraine War Propaganda
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- By Mike Scruggs
Exposing U.S. Government and Media False Narratives

The origins and objectives of the Ukraine War have been totally misrepresented by the Biden government. Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris has continued this dishonest misrepresentation even more starkly with a blindly ignorant and unrealistic determination to defeat Russia and “save” Ukraine regardless of the costs to Ukraine, the United States, Western Europe, and the truth. United States foreign policy and military objectives with regard to Ukraine and Russia are based on a false narrative that covers up the real truth. At the center of this false narrative is the misguided belief that the Russian Federation, formed in 1991, is still the Soviet Union of the pre-Gorbachev Cold War. This has led to a morally dubious and aggressive strategy to demonize, isolate, weaken, and even break apart the Russian Federation. This false narrative suppresses more than 35 years of history in which the U.S. through NATO provoked Russian security concerns.
If You Told Me That “Inflation” Is The Rising Prices Of Goods And Services You’d Be WRONG!
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- By W.H. Lamb

You might say to me, after reading the above title: “What do you mean? Everyone knows that “inflation” is the general, and often quite rapid, rise in the costs we pay for goods and services.” Right? “A harsh reality of our economy for many decades.” Right? Sorry, but if you spread that “wrongthink”, which most of us have been taught our entire lives, you’ll be spreadingmisinformation!You’d be parroting deliberate lies and error from centers of obfuscation and deceit like The New York Times, The Washington Post, our sundry “alphabet” TV networks and cable “news” stations, with their disinformation-celebrating ‘talking heads”, most “social media” sites, and“our” U.S. Government! And for sure from those “Institutes of Induced Ignorance” known as “government schools.”
Share The New American Magazine with Others this Christmas
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- By Press Release
This holiday season, give the gift of insight and truth with a subscription to The New American magazine! Whether for family or friends, it’s the perfect way to keep them informed and inspired all year long!
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Don't Nuke the Senate Filibuster!
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- By Stephen Moore
Why is it that the politicians keep referring to America as a "democracy"? How many times have we heard that former President Donald Trump is "threat to democracy"?
Well, yes, we are a democracy. We vote in and out of office our politicians.
But more importantly, we are a republic. This is basic civics: Our forefathers set up myriad checks and balances to protect against majority rule and to safeguard the right of the minority. We have three branches of government. We have two houses of Congress. We have a presidential veto to repel bad laws. We have a Supreme Court to strike down laws that violate the right of our citizens.
- FOX Nation to Live Stream Dr. Robert Jeffress' 16,000 Member Church Services
- Hundreds Find Eternal Hope in Jesus at the 'Northern Colorado Look Up Celebration' with Evangelist Will Graham
- SDG Ground Zero?
- The Idaho Medical Association (IMA) Spreads Deliberate Misinformation about Idaho's Pregnancy Resource Centers in a Proposed Resolution
- Trump Returns to Massive Crowd in Butler, Pa.
- Thomas More Law Center Instrumental in Upending Biden/Harris National Plan to Deter Opposition by 'Trump Trains' -- A Monumental Victory for Free Speech
- Ethics Commission Order Reveals New Details about Scout Motors Project
- "I Am A Knucklehead"
- How We Cope Shows Men and Women Are Different
- Christians Hesitate to Engage with Culture and the Ballot Box
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